GkeatBasin NaturalistMemoirs

No. 11

__ 1962. On the role of tlie symbionts in wood-de-

stroying insects. Recent Progress in Microbiology 8:151-161. (ec).

Koch. H ans Joachim 1956. Der “ungleiche holzbohrer”-ein gefabrlieher feind unśerer obstbaume! Deutsche Gartenbau 3:211-212. (cn).

Koch. Klaus. 1961. Seltenheitcn der rhcinischen Kafer-fauna aus der Umgebung Dnsseldorfs. Entomolo-gische Blatter 57:103-108. (ds).

__196S. Kaferfanna der Rheinprovinz. Decheniana.

Bonn, Bciheft Nr. 13. 382 p. (ds).

Koch. P 1972. Utilization of the Southern pines. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook-120:687-700. (cn).

Koch. Rudolf 1906. Versuche uber den Einfiuss der Leinwandsacke bei kunstlichen Borkenkafer-zuchten. Naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift fur Land- und Forstwirtschaft 4:158-160. (cn).

__ 1909. Das lxirvcnlebcn des Riesenbastkafers

Hylcsinus (Dendroctonus) mienns Kug. Naturwis-senschaftliche Zeitschrift fur Land- und Porst-wirtschaft 7:319-340. (hb).

__1910. Tabellen zur Bestimmung schadlicher In-

sekten auf Fichte und Tanne nach den Frass-beschadigungen [Scolytidac, p. 17-18]. Paul Parey, Berlin. 112 p. (cn tx).

__1913. Tabellen zur Bestimmung schadlicher ln-

sekten auf Kiefcr und Larclie nach den Forstbeschadingungen. Paul Parey, Berlin. 207 p. (cn tx).

__ 1928. Bestimmungstahellen der Insekten an

Fichte und Tanne nach den Frassbeschadigun-gcn. Edition 2 [Scolytidac, p. 69-105]. Paul Parey, Berlin. 145 p. (t.\).

-- 1932. Bestimmungstahellen der Insekten an

Kiefer und Larclie nach den Frassbcschadigun-gen. Edition 2 [Scolytidae, p. 101-147]. Paul Parey, Berlin. 6 + 219 p. (tx).

Kocu. V. J M 1973. Abundance of Hypothenemus hain-pci (Scolytidae Coleoptera) the coflfee-berry borer in relation tn its host plant and to its parasite Cephalonomia stephanoderis in the Ivory-Const. Nlededeelingen Landbnuwhogeschool, Wagenin-gen 73(16):l-84. (ec).

•Koch. Wilhelm 1951a. Borkenkafer an Obstbaumcn. Obstbau 70:42-43. 0-

--195Ib. Grosscr Birkensplintkafer. Allgemeine

Forstzeitschrift 6:149. (hb).

-- 1963. Das Jahr des Forstmannes, 11. Gesunder

Wald-Gesichcrter Wald [The yearof the forester. 11. Healthv forest-protected forest]. Kosmos 59(ll):487-489. (cn ms).

Kocher. L 1953. Localisation nomelles ou interessantes de Coleopteres Maroeains. Traveaux de l lnstitut Scientifique Cherifien. Rabat, Editions Interna-tionales 7:133 (ds).

--1961. Fascicle IX, Gatalogue commentc des

coleopteres du Maroc. Traveaux de l lnstitut Sci-entifiąuc Cherifien, Rabat, Serie Zoologie 24. 243-255. (ds).

-- 1964. Fascicule X, Gatalogue commente des

coleopteres dn Maroc. Addenda ct corrigenda. Tables. Traveaux Institut Scientifique Cherifien, Rabat, Serie Zoologie 30:1-200. (ds).

Kocienski. Philip J. and Robert W Ostrów. 1976. A stereoselective total synthesis of e.xo- and endo-brevicomin. Journal of Organie Chemistry 41(2): 398-400. (bv ms).

Kock. G 1932. Uber das Baumsterbcn. Wiener Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung50:151-152. (cn).

Koehler. Carlton Smith I959a. Studies of the biology and econnmic importance of the clover root borer Hylnstinus obscurus (Marsham). Unpublished dissertation, Gornell University, Ithaca, New York. 126 p. (ec hb).

__ 19591). Studies of the biology and economic importance of the elover root borer Hylastinus obscurus (Marsham). Dissertation Abstracts 19(9):2412. (cn hb).

Koehler. Carlton Smith. K D. Ff.zer. H. H Neunzic. and G G. GYR1SCO 1961. The economic importance of the clnver root horer. Journal of Economic Entnmology 54:631-635. (cn).

Koehler. Carlton Smith, and G G. Gyrisco. 1959a. Eflfcct of root size and soil moisture on the number of clover root borers present in red clover roots. Journal of Economic Entomology 52:658-660. (cn).

__ 19591). Studies of the vertical distribution of the

clover root borer in roots of red clover in relation to progression of the scason. Entomological Soci-ety of America, Annals 52(6):760-762. (cn hb).

Koehler, Carlton Smith. G G Gyrisco. L D. Newsom. andH H Schwardt 1961. Biology and eon troi of the c!over root borer, Hylnstinus obscurus (Marsham). Gornell University (New York) Agricul-tural Experiment Statinn, Memoir 376. 36 p. (cn


•Koehler. Carlton Smith. Pavel Svihra. J. A Byers, andG W Frankie. 1979. Behavior of the smaller European clm bark bectle in relation to transmis-sion of the Dutcli clm disease fungus in Califomia. California Department of Food and Agriculture, Finał Teclmical Report, Agreement No. 9552. 11 p- 0-

Koehler. Carlton Smith. David Lee Wood. and Arthur L. Scarlett 1978. Bark beetles in Cali-fomia forest trees. University of California, Divi-sion of Agricultural Sciences, Lcafiet 21034. 8 p. (cn ins).

•Koehler. WiTOLD. 1951. Przyczyny powstawania i przebieg gradacji szkodliwych owadow leśnych [Catises and development nf outbreaks of forest insect pests]. Prace, Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa 74:1-47. ().

__ 1954. Kornik-szcsciozebny jako szkodnik pierwotny. Boczniki Nauk Rolniczych i Leśnych 4: 177-179. (cn).

*__ 1958. Występowanie szkodliwych owadom w

okresie powojennego dziesięciolecia [Occurrenee of harmful insects (in Poland) in the post-war dccade]. Sylwan 102(4): 18-37. ()•

__ 1968. Obsci vations on antagonistic relationships

between insects feeding under the bark, and some saprophytic and parasitic fungi [ln Polish, Rus-sian, English summaries]. Prace, Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa No. 355/357:133-139. (ec).

•Koehler. Witold, and Z. Zdanowicz. 1955. O zabezpieczeniu (dekorowanego surowca sosnowego na składach tartacznych przed szkodliwymi owaami [On the protection of unbarked pine logs in tim-bcryards from injurious insects]. Roczinki Nauk


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