Goiłem on Ihe 1989 team saw a bit ol a diiferent look when they boarded the bus lor the Silver Lakes course. The team was now co-ed.
Team numbere were down, espocially <it Ihe Varsity leve! with only lhree9eniore retuniing. Ihe majonty ot the team was madę up o! Freshmen and a lew Sophomores.
Thats when the ooaches decided that recrutlincj girls tor the team was a positive move to bnng up involvement wlth ttie sport.
l in hopmg Ihat Sharon and Tricta bnng out morę girls tor the team. There ts a lot ot competition in ttie areas lor girls. ii morę would come out.'
Iricia McMantgal said ot season Ii was cireal, a lot ol łun times. It was my lirst expertenc«* golfing, but it wa: a really neal exj jer lence, lit be back next year.
Next year will be morę experienced. Peter Arundet. returns. Tommy Graham. Tony Opiła should help ttie team. as well as Greg Rosenow. Tommy Szurqot will be a senior and the girls could compete nexl year at some girls meets, said Tyler.
One* ot ihreesenior playera on the team En<: Rooenow warms up tor hu puli
Fin.t temale. on the goli team Tnc ki McMantgal and Sharon Horn beck consider their isoores ałtor .1 long moich
Frenhman Tom Grohom exomin« Ihe UiU beton.- on importont moich up Frechmen were o importont p*irt ol the team
1989 Golf
Opponents | |
256 |
Sondburg |
191 |
217 |
Bro Rice |
175 |
246 |
Reovts |
224 |
217 |
Argo |
204 |
314 |
Andrew |
201 |
264 |
Slogg |
204 |
234 |
St. Rito |
184 |
203 |
Shopard |
173 |
185 |
Bloom Troll |
217 |
1989 Golf Tonm. Front Row: ii H rut* k Ci:- 1 K'> - now
Tri 10 M Moru 10J. Middlo Row: C -i \ Wolt Tyl* r I**rry H< ilr<.-p Tony Opiło. Scott Marahell. Georg* Demos. Cooch Mtke Rodziewicz; Back Row.
and Erie Rosenow