.. .And Coaches of the Year

Gary Westerfiełd: Men’* Team Coach of the Year


By Teresa C. Hoyla Gary Westerfiełd is not one of thoee coaches that coaches during one season of the year. He*s completing his fourth year and his twelfth season at Stony Brook. Westerfiełd coaches three teams on campus- men’s outdoor track, men's indoor track. and men’s cross country, and because of his dedication he was named Stateirmana Mena Team Coach of the Year.

Gary Wastscfidd When he's not coaching, he's teaching ninth grade social studies in Smithtown. When he’s not teaching or coaching. he’s racewalking. Westerfiełd may seem like a quiet man, but he’s always “on the run".

After coaching on the high school level for several years, Westerfiełd was offered a position on the Stony Brook staff four years ago. At the time he was dating his futurę wife. Susan Li er 8. she was, Westerfiełd admitted, was one of

the reasons why he aocepted the position to coach on campus.

What Westerfiełd likes about coaching is that “It’s nice to see them [the athletesł try hard at practice and then see then run faster or jump higher during the actual meets."

Westerfiełd himself was involved in many meets before coaching profession-ałly. After running track in high school. he switched to racewalking. which he eventuałly excelłed in. When he went to Vietnam, he ran on the Ar my track team. When he was home. he competed intemationally in racewalking. He“juat missed” qualifying in racewalking for the 1972 Olympics.

With all that experience behind him. Westerfiełd was abłe to coach such ath-letes as Ołympic-bound Tom Edwards. Westerfiełd saki this has been a “wond-erful" year and enjoys working with such talented athletes.


Women’s Track Places 6th at NYSAIAW Meet

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The women’8. track team participated in the annuał New York State Assoecia-tion of Intercollegiate Athłetica for Women (NYSAIAW) Track and Field Championshipe this past weeekend. There were 18 teams and the Pata took sixth płace.

According to team manager. Camilla Bernhardt, * the team just had a lot of bad breska" Coach Kim Hovey added. "I was pleased. We were in the top 1/3of the meet."

In the individual eventa, Cheryl Hunter was the onły New York State champion. She took first płace in the discus with a throw of 126'-10". In the same event graduating senior Lilia Sexton. threw the discus 106' even. Joy Enoch, also a senior, ran in the lOOm dash. fin-ishing in sixth, with a time of 12.9. Prior to this, Enoch had run 12.5 in the semi-trials, just misaing the National qualify-ing time by one-tenth of a second. She wiłl try to make a time of 12.4 in the upcoming Public Athletic Congress (P.A.C.)championship meets on Satur-

day. Also in the lOOm dash. Tami Powell did a 13.0butdidn'tmake itto thesemi's or finale.

The 4xl00m relayconsistingof Enoch Sexton. Powell and Charlene Land rum. took 8ixth place with a time of 61.3. The 4x400m rełay team consisted of Diaham Kelly. Hunter. Barbara Gubbins and Marie Bernard. They took seventh place wtth a time of 4:13.4.

In the javelin event. Hunter missed the finałs by onły three inches. She threw the javelin 104'-7". In theshotput Sexton threw 38' 6" and Hunter threw 40"-7 1/2". Hunter took third in this event.

In the 1600m run. Mary Do łan ran 4:44.6 and placed fifth overałl. Her time just missed the qualifying time for NCAA nationals by two tentha of a second. In the triala of this event, Gubbins got nipped at the finish linę by a run ner from Hartwick. Gubbin’s time was 4:61.6. Also in this event was Donna Lyona.

Next waa the 800m race where Ber

nard ran in the trials and madę it to the finałs by taking first place in her heat with a time of 2:18.9. In the finałs. Bernard took fourth place in the sute with a time of 2:21.7.

In the 3000m run. Maureen Keyes placed sixth with a time of 10:37.9. This was one of her best times.

In the 200m run Enoch and Land rum ran their persona! be sta. Enoch’s time was 26.9. tying the university record and placing third in her heat Lan-drum’8 time was 27.6.

A new addilion to the track and field championships was the 5000m race-walk. Teresa Shelton placed fourth in the sUte with a personal best time of 31:29 1.

Overall. the women1* track team had an excellent season. This year the Patriota will be sending four members to Div-ision III NCAA Nationals at MinneaoU. These qualifiers are: Sexton. in theshotput, Hunter in the shotput and discus. Bernard in the 800m run and Gubbins in the 3000m run.

Cyclists Ride to 2nd Place at LeHigh Unirersity

Men Finish Behind LeHigh; Women Place After Kutzberg

•twy •roo* comptltd tfu* p««l w##*end at th# IntarcoH#-Tptdi HacMę CompctJtiont

By Jim P mmi no

Members of the Stony Brook cycling team travelled to LeHigh Unirersity this past weekend to compete in the Intercollegiate Track Racing Competationa.

Stony Brook fared well at the competitions. taking second place in the man’s and women’s divisk>ns. They came in behind LeHigh. who toasted the meet, in the men’s evento. In the women’* dirision. they fołlowed Kutzberg College, who had onły women competing in the track finałs.

In track competition— different from the regular racing erenta— the ridera use different types of bikea. These bikea are not equipped with de-railers. so there are not aa many gear sdjustmenta. The erenU are run on a one-third KM track.

Since not aa many peopłe are track ridera, Stony Brook srat aix ridera to the arnpetitioo— four men and two women. For the men. Andy FeDena, Hewitt Thayer. Steee Weiłer and Jim Markel competed. Tara Moim and Krieten FeDeaz went with good atride for

Fartbewoenen, the first ersat was the spriats. There wara aboot saren paopte in thia a rant. tba sprint* is a

STATESMAN Wednesday. May 9. 1984

three-lap around the track race. with the last beingthe sprint During the first two the competitor vies for poeition on the track.

Other eventa that the ridera competed in were the 15 kilometer race, and the miss-and-out. Thayer took third in the 15-kilometer competition. In the miae-and-out ridera go around the track 12 times. and the last person acroas the start ispulled out until there are only two ridera left. At this point the two try to outma-nuerer the other until they win. Manno took third and Felenz finished sixth.

The last event was called team pursuiL Two teams out of four started at separate ends of the track and triad to erosa their starting point after a deaignated number of łapa before the other team crossed theira. Stony Brook took first place in this event

When it was all orsr. Stony Brook had securud second place with 96 pointa. They finished behind LeHigh in the msn’s, aad after Kutzberg in the wonan’*. Kutzberg had 61 pointa. The Pata ara looking forward to next aaaaoa aa they ara reigniag cham pa of the Eaatara Collsgiata Athletic Coafaraaca (ECAC) ro

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