_ Simon is the Technical
Operations Director at e-DBA responsible for the global Managed Services team. Simon oversees teams of Oracle Database Administrators in UK and Poland. Furthermore, he has led the expansion of the company to Australia. Simon has over 20 years of experience in design, maintenance, and performance troubleshooting of mission-critical Oracle technologies.
Paweł Plaszczak is the Global Analytics Lead for the Red Stack Tech group. Before, Paweł was the Founderand CEO of Gridwise.pl. Pawel's team delivered over 150 projects to Global 500 corporations, academic consortia and government agencies worldwide. Paweł authored articles, presentations, and one book.
Wykład 1
Why Relational Database? Why Oracle?
Simon Palmer
mi a
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Data |
Godzina |
19.05.2015 |
18:00 |
Why do people use RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) ?
What are the key architectural differences between Oracle Database and some of the competitors out in the RDBMS market?
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