The 1989 spring play The Odd Couple had an odd twist to lt when the productions featured an all female version.
Dłrected by Miss Jean Martin who commented, "Everyone had a wonderful time. It was łun making the sets. All of the char-acters madę the play corne to life."
The odd couple was played by Donna Krska and Chris Hutman bnnging Florence and Ohve to HLR. Other roles in the play were Vera, played by Lisa Dan gles; Rene. who was played by Liz Rodnguez; and Mickey. played by Angie Spyropoulous.
The małe race was not without representation. Lou Koepel and Jim Pacella played two Spanish brothers. Manolo and Jesus.
Ms. Martin s directorial style took into account the opinions ol the students.
"Everyone had an input into the play and it was the characteriza-tions that Iivened up the whole show. Everyone added some of their own touches to make the show morę originol.' said Martin.
The show ran for three nights and was shown in the Little The-atre.
We had six weeks of rehearsal and four weeks to have our lines memonzed," said Lisa Dangles.
Everything went wrong at this one practice. Everyone kept laughing at the purich lines." Even though one was a fiasco, the next one went perfect.
Sloppy Ohve and tussy Florence have an emphatic diacussion about eating habits
onna Kreka shares lond memortes ot her łasi mamacje with her new neirjhbore played by Lou Koepe! and lun Pacella
rJnhe t*«rl« geł logether lo witness anołher sgudbbłe between Ohve and Ror»*fK >• An m- Spryopolous lells >11 Olive m the lemale vereion ! The Odd Couple.