ALTHOUGH IT did threaten. Ihe sun held and Ihe skies remained dry for the 1989 graduatinp class. The 239 studenls pro cessed out onto the football field and fook their places tn the cen ter. Assort*»d family members, iriends and well wishers sat be htnd the graduates in the bfeacfiers.
Assjstrint Principal Carol Theo dorou gave tfie invocation and welcomed the graduates and then lamilies
Class president Bart Doherty surnmed upsome of the feelings of the Senior class in her .ul dress.
Sharmg the honor of bemg vale dif toriun were Colleen Houli han and Debra Urnholer Kach addressed the class in their far*-well speeches.
Ms. Debbie Gineris and Mr. Homer Thomas did the semce of reading the graduates names as they marched up to recewe their congratulations. Oak Lawn Board members Jean Christian-son and Mary Allison handed out fhe diplomas. Dr. Romayne Baker also oongratulated the Seniors.
The class motto selected by vote the week before was A Drearn is .1 challenge, to al! you ure ... a promise ol all you can be." The class colors wer** w me sil v<a and black with the red noe representing the łlower
The lines ot graduates were led onto tfie field by the lumot class marshalls lenni*• Arni'k. Ira'y Campbell. Natosha Brmoer and Gigi GaWez
amadetto Auqu5t, Mik*-* Chorwir newski. Mano Zlidar otul Mor i*-Ahniold stwro their tost l«*w momont> to - jelher ot HLK’ knowinq Ihat tł was olm- t
o*.*linqs aro mulual between loncj term buddies; Frank Martin. Carl Hoyrnoie Fo|ix Richardson and Bryon W*'.iiherspoon and Eirern Haymoro