

The idea thal the EngUih think of 'oats' m piurJand 'wkeat' *s iingular 'bas to be rtjtcied as sintply false'. On uisal gruunds, ' do you rh/nt, does *ueh an ideabair to be rejectcdas falsei Do you think the same amid be smd of ‘fobage’ and ‘leavcs '•

So-ealUd collecttve noum m Engiish. tike team', 'lommitue'. and ‘family' me singular in form bul eon funetion uith plural uerbs (for example, 'Ti;e team me confident that they will wm.') Wbat btaring doe* tbi* haie on tbe argument bereł The writer of thu texl aster/* that it if a rmseoneeption tbat grammar is essentially eoneetncd uith meaning'. On the eeidencc o(Ttxt 6. do you think Hailidoy u-ould agree wrth thti absdule ilotir.< liuti hetueen grmnnur and semanttCii


IMI.MAITHew*: Afi>rpfco/ojfy(łndedn.), inthcscrir* 'Onnbf nłge Tcmbookł in I inguws»ci\ Cambridge U«ivcr*sty Piesi 19-91. papci i-j

W berem Text 17 drew a dieidtng linę betueen grammar and semanties. tbis text ranges oyer tbe uhole ar ta of Unguistk study and mJuJles tbe boundaries of lite difftrent 'tubfield*' nfphnmhygy, pborteUes. syntax. semaruks, pragmatics. and morphology. The boundaries trem to be Jraum somewhat dif-ferently l>ere And tlrey do not seem to bt w elear e.uł.

In dcsif ibmg a Unguagc *11 foui rarrinp faset*— *ounds, con-structiom. meanings and forms of word»—havc co be Riven due aumciwi.



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