

!n thc same *pirir. thc field of lingutstic cheOry may bc said to inelude m lca« four major subfictd*. The- łirvt i> concemed with thc środy of speech suunds. a subject which in modern Mracrong linguistics is handlcd on oso theoretkał lev<?!s Of thesc the fcvrł of phonology is concemed with thc tutKtkming of sound-Wlthin łht* tjwms of indwidual bo.guas«, whcicas that of phoo-crics is concemed with the naturę and typology of speech sound* in themselvrs. Tlie *econd major subtidd w that of »vnux (fre A Greek w ord mcanmg a ‘putcing togethec' or ‘artangmg' of t mctir.s), which traditionally corers hoth thc construccions phraset and semenco and atso fcaturcs of mc.ining which asweiated with thetw, ForcxampJc, the lnic iroga twe (Has be the gong?) is diffcrent both in cotutroction and in mcaning ff-the Non irttcrrogatisc ot Declarativc {He has sold thc gongi. T thitd Mibhefd of icminiks then rcdoccs to thc Siudy of wo nseanmgs—to which perhaps we may add the mc-anings of id*

... oroi speeial phrasc* gencraliy. Traditionally the probtems setnanties have often bcen assigned to thc diefionary. Howevct; thc oppOMtmnc of Word mcanings abo lend tbcm*clves i tural aaalysb. most noubly in spccific •scmantic fields’ soch as those of kiiwhip, colour terms, occupatiotis. types of skill and knowkdgc and w on. In addiifon, the limit* of <yntax and «cm*n-tics hate lrcć)ucntly beto dtsputcd both within and betwecn thc various striKtutaf cchootf. According to somc, comiructional mcanings wotild a ho bdong to semantics— syntax be mg rcduonl to the fcMtnal distnbution of word* and group* of words. Othct writers make a further disnnenon betwecn semanttes, as a study of the mcanings of words and scnrrnce* in thc abstract. aad prug-matics, as that of sentences used in spcctfic situations. According to others, syntnx itselł t« partly a inaticr of word mcanings: for examplc. it is implicit in the mcaning of ‘to scll' or ‘tu hit' that « can take an Objęci On many such issiKS. thc dcKtłc rontinue* in fuli vigour.

Tlse last major lublicld i» that of morphotogy ... that branch of hngutstws which o cotKtrncd with thc 'fotms of word*' in dilfee-mt usrs and connruciion*.

> According to ihit :exi. in u h3t subfttUs o/ tinguiuics ii meait-

mg acrountfid (ort



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