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screenshot 1

Erident Custom Login and Dashboard Settings

Plugin Loads default values for all below entries. Please change the values to yours. Click on the header of each błock to open it.

Dashboard Settings (These settings will be reflected when a user/admin logins to the

Login Screen Background (The following settings will be reflected on the

Login Screen Background Color:

Click the box to select a color.

Click to toggle |

Login Screen Background Image.

Add your own pattern/image url for the screen background. Leave blank ifyou don t need any images.

Login Screen Background Repeat

Repeat    ▼

Select an image repeat option from dropdown.

Background Position:    Horizontal Position: top    Vertical Position: |eft

The background-position property sets the starting position of a background image. Ifyou entering the value in 'pixels"or "percentage". add "px"or '%"at the end ofvalue. This will not show any changes ifyou set the Background Repeat option as ‘Repeat". Morę Info

Login Screen Logo (Change the default WordPress logo andpowered by text)

Logo Uri: Default Logo Size 274px * 63px

(URL path to image to replace default WordPress Logo. (You can upload your image with the WordPress media uploader)

Logo Width:

274 Px

Your Logo width(Enter in pixels). Default: 274px

Logo Height:

63 Px

Your Logo Height(Enter in pixels). Default: 63px

Powered byText:

Powered by

Show when mouse hover over custom Login logo

Login Form Settings (The following settings will change the Login Form style) Plugin Un-install Settings

Click to toggle |

Save Changes


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