B.—1. -i] ' h.0rjva. $avfia£ct. tt]v (ro<f»(av. 2. 7j X'*>Pa ^TY®s *Xa' rj crocftui StScocrt nprjy tt} fiaoiAęią. 4. ai {3aa-i\eiai rrjv aXrj6(Lav Oavp.a£flv<ri. 5. ai vv/i<f>ai 8avpA£ovari rr]V mjyyp t<ov Mov<rwv. 6. 7j apirr] Ti/irjv eyei. 7. 8avp.a£ei tt)v X<*>Pav
Tiję (3axri\eias. 8. ai Moucrai aro<f>Cav 8i8óa<riv.
1. They admire the justice of the queen. 2. The Muses have a fountain. 3. Justice gives honour to queens. 4. He admires the queen’s yirtues. 5. They give a fountain to the EKj-Muses. 6. Athena admires the bride. 7. Yirtue, O queen, gives honour. \__8. The queens have lands.
4. After the verb to be, and passive verbs, the Predicate suhstantive is placed in the same case as the Subject to ■which it refers, as r/ yrj <r<f>aipd icmv, the earth is a globe ; Kupos aTrtScfydr} o-rparrjyóę, Cyrus was appointed generał.
5. The Article is not to be nsed with the Predicate
substantive. Thus rj deoaefieia ia~riv apx*l (ro<f>ias, the fear of God is the beginning of rnsdom.
6. The Possessive Genitive is frequently inserted between the Article ani the substantive upon which the Genitiye depends, as rj rwy Hepo-wy x“>Pa> the tond °f the Persians.
Bxercise II.
i<rrl(y), (he) is. euri(v), (they) are.
iwatyiij (he) praises. łiratvov<ri(v), (they) praise.
’A0r)va, which is contracted from 'kOi)v&-a, retains a throughout: N. V. ’A0rjva, A. 'ABt]vdv, G ’ABi)vas, D. ’A07)py. fiva, mina (a sum of money), which ib for fj.yd.-a, is declined like 'ABrjya in the sing.; in the du. and pl. it is regniar.
A. —1. rr} dperg. 2. rut Mov<ra. 3. Taę pi£as. 4. tt?s as. 5. tw wp.<f>a>v. 6. Trp> ’A6rjvdv.
1. To the earth. 2. 0 Muses. 3. Friendship (object). 4. Of the roots. 5. For the soul. 6. The beginning (object).
B. —1, rj <f>cAia Tip.rjv lya. 2. ai vvp.<f)ai 6avpA£ovcri ras Trj<s /3acriAaaę ^upaę. 3. 17 apenj tort -njs ipuyijs ptóp.77. 4. ai MoStrcu TTpJ cro<t>Lav eiraiyowriy. 5. rj deoaćftua eo~rt pi£a rrjs apariję. 8. rj rys /3a<n\eias <f>tXta itrrt Tipij tjj vup.cfrrj. 7. rf (To<f>ća rj} ifrvxo SiSomti pa>/n)v. 8. r>)V 8ó£av Tłję aperrjs ovtnv. 9. ai Mowrou rtfaji/ T1j Afhpra. 8i8óacnv.
1. Yirtue ia (the) cause of friendship. 2. Athena praisee the wisdom of the Muses. 3. The desire of virtue is the beginning of wisdom. 4. The earth has roots. 5. The Muses girę the desire of wisdom. 6. The fear-of-God1 is the fountain of the virtues. 7. He praises trutli. 8. The lands are an honour to the queen. 9. They admire the wisdom of Athena.
II. Masculdtes of First Declension.
Stem. |
vedvia, |
itoMto, |
English. |
young man. |
Citizen. |
Sing. Nom. |
6 vcavią-s |
6 7ToAiT77-ę |
Yoc. |
vcdvtd |
ttoAlto. |
Acc. |
vea.vLa.-v | |
Gen. |
Kawon |
7toXltov |
Dat. |
vedvux |
■srohtrr] |
Dual. N. V. A. |
veavLa |
TcaihirŁ |
G. D. |
veavuuv |
iroAlraiy |
Plur. N. V. |
vedvćai |
woAtrat |
Acc. |
veuv:as |
7roAtraę |
Gen. |
vedvtuiv |
Dat. |
V€aviaj.ę |
7roAlraf.s |
Masculine no u na of the lat Decl. ending in --njr, and those which espress nationality, as TUpa-ys, a Fenian, form the Voc. Sing. in a, as vo\'iti]s above. Otlier no u na in -tjs of the lat. Docl. form the Yoc. Sing. in i?, aa KpiuiS-rjs, Yoc. Sing. Kpońfo).
Exercise III.
fy, (he) was. rj<rav, (they) were.
(frofieiTai, (he) fears. <f»ofiovvTcu, (they) fear.
A.—1. tou p.adr]TOv. 2. TOię eiperais. 3. to> vauTcu 4. tov iro\itt)v. 5. tu1 (rotfiicrry. 6. fi> ‘Epprj.
1. O poets. 2. Of the sailor. 3. To the Persians. 4. Of the two-soldiors. 5. The judges (object). 6. O master.
English words connected by by one word only in Greek, a hyphen are to be rendercd