B.—1- ot ttoKLtcu roiię crpariwras <f>oj3ovvTat. 2. tt)v cro<f>iav rov ttoiyjtov 6avfuxtflv(nv. 3. eł veavtca i]<rav tou tro<f>urroS fxa$rjrcu. 4. \vpav to> irotijTg 8(8wtłv rj (3axriXaa. 5. r) tropią ioTiv alrLa xifap. 6. ot <rrparuoTcu. pa)(cupas ?)(Ouctł. 7,
Tun> TtepawP )(o)pav iir< 8. ó \y<rn)S <ftofieiTai tov Kpirmr.
1. He gives a sword to the soldier. 2. The citizens praise the jusfcice of the judge. 3. The poets have the reputation of wiadom. 4. Yirtue is the root of fiiendahip. 5. The young men were pupile of Hippiaa 6. The friendship of the poet is an honour to the queen. 7. The Muses admire Euripides. 8. They praise the soldier’3 yalour.
(The stems of this declension end ia o. A few, belonging to the Attic second declension, end in w.)
I. Masculines.
Stem. |
avflp<iKro, | |
English. |
man. | |
Sing. |
Nom. |
6 dv6pwTro-<; |
Voc. |
av&pw7T€ | |
A cc. |
a.v6p<mro-v | |
Gen. |
dv6pfarov | |
Dal. |
dyOpunrat | |
Dual. |
N. V. A. |
avup<tnr(o |
G. D. |
dydpdnroLU | |
Płur. |
N. V. |
dy&panroi |
Acc. |
av0pdnrovę | |
Gen. |
a.v6p<lnrwv | |
Dat. |
aytipónrotę |
Some nonns in oę are feminine. The chief are f3d<ravos, touch-słone ; vy<ro<s, island ; vó<ros, diseasc ; óSdę, toay. Names of cities, conntries, trees, and islands are feminine.
7. The living agent with a passive yerb is expressed by the preposition faro (‘ by ’) and the genitive case: as 6a.vpA£erat faro Kt>pov, he 18 admired'by Cyrus.
1. Sleep is tbe brother of death. 2. Silver and gold are loved by men. 3. The soldier has both a horse and a sword. 4. The young men were servanta of the gods. 5. Pbilosophers do not praise1 wealth. 6. The citizens give gold to the poet. 7. The robbers fear the soldier. 8. He loves the reputation of valour. 9. The islands have vines. 10. Wisdom is a treasure to men. 11. The sailors do not fear death.
II. Neuters of Second Declension.
(Ali Neuter Substantives in Greek have the same form in. the Voo. and Accus. Sing. as in the Nom. Sing., and in the Yoo. and Accus. PI. as in the Nom. PI.)
Sing. Nom.
Exercise IV.
1. Of the two-islands. 2. 0 Dionysus. 3. The vines (subject). 4. The two-brothers. 5. Gold (object). 6. O sophist.
‘ Do praise ’ is merely an am1 be rendered in Greek by one word plified form of 1 praise,’ and is to only.