Stkm. |
Stupo, |
English. |
gi/t. |
Dual. N. V. A. |
StóptO |
G. D. |
Stópow |
Plur. Nom. |
8u>pd. |
Voc. |
Stopa. |
Acc. |
Stopa. |
Gen. |
Swptov |
Dat. |
Stópois |
N.B.—S&Spot', tree, has Dat. Plur. SbSpart: Dat. Sing. often SłrSpet.
8. A subjecfc in the neufcer plural takes a singular verb : as Ta Stopa iircuyeiTaL, the gifts are praised ; except when used of living ihings: as to. t€kvcl Tpevowtv, the children run.
9. The Instrument or Means is expressed by the Dative case : as rov a.v0ponrov XiOto airoKTtwei, he JciUs the man roith a stone ; Otwartą KoXa£erai, he is punished by death.
Ekercise V.
Ko\a£ei, (he') punishes. koXo£ovo-i(v), they punish.
Koha^eTaiy (he) is punished. KoXó£ovrai, (they) are punished. airoKTtwa, (he) Tcills. dvoicr€ivov<rt(v), (they) hill.
A. —1. toO 8ev8pov. 2. ratę dfiireXois. 3. rai cnj/uito.
4. Ttby trrecf>dvtov. 5. u> Oeoi.
1. Of the trees. 2. For violets. 3. Of the two-reraedies. 4. To the image. 5. The leaves.
B. —1. 8wpov Aioyvtrov ecrrly 6 otvos. 2. ta 8ev8pa <f>vXXa lyn. 3. ó Kpirr/s Touę XgcrTas Oayartą KoXd£ei. 4. ra pó8a 6 woirpT)<; braivei. 5. o crrpaTwón/s róv raplav p-a^atpą diroKretyei. 6. Ta twv OeS>v 8S>pa virb rwv dv0pw7rtov doopafaerau 7. o virvoę rrję vó<rov (f>app.aKÓv 8. ot paOijTai xpvcrbv rto ao<f>urrg StSoact. 9. ra ta €7raiv£tTat fnrb tt)<; vvpuf>t]S. 10. ot o~retf>avoL eltriv aperijs (rrjpeiov.
1. The earth gives the remedies of disease. 2. Friendship is the giffc of the gods. 3. The traitors are punished by eiile. 4. The citizens give the poet a crown. 5. The trees of the island are praised by the sailors. 6. The remedy was the cauBe of death to the queen. 7. The poet is loved by the Muses. 8. They give roses .to the bride. 9. The soldiers are punished by the judge.
10. The philosopher does not love gold.
III. Attic Second Declension.
Stem. veoj,
English. tempie.
Sing. |
Nom. |
6 v€ia-i |
Voc. |
yeoł-s | |
Acc. |
V€(0-V | |
Gen. |
' V€U> | |
Dał. |
V€<ó | |
Dual. |
N. V. A. |
veó> |
G. D. |
V€0)V 4 | |
Plur. |
N. V. |
v&ą |
Acc. |
veun | |
Gen. |
ve<óv | |
Dat. |
*veu)S |
A few masculine and a few feminine nouns belong to this declension, but there is no neutor nonn in good nśe.
(cos, fem., daum, is thus declined: N.V. e»r, A. ?», G. tu, D. e$».
Exehcise YI.
A.—1. t<3 Mtvu>. 2. roty vet£v. 3. ttjv fiaxravov. 4. at ÓSol. 5. roli vc(óę.
1. To the tempie. 2. 0 sailor. 3. Of the dawn. 4. Minos (object). 5. The threshing-floors (subject).
1. ol f3apf3apoi ovre f3o>fj.ov<; ovre yews. t)(pv(nv. 2. SćS<ocriv 6 vavn/ę raibv tt) y&acrt/Wą. 3. ot 7roXtrat KokóZpyraj. iirb MiVa>. 4. rov Xayu)v Atou) a.7TOKT€tvet. 5. ot \ijo~ral ttjv Iw <f>of3ovvTOL.
1. The temples of the gods have gifts. 2. The citizens admire the peacocks of the queen. 3. The young men were servants of Minos. 4. The earth gives food to the hares. 5. The house haB a threshing-floor.