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Out-of-State Tripg (pontinued)
12T kr. Pablo L. Okhuysen, Speeial Lecturer in Fnysics^ February 15-17, 1959, to Evanaton, Illinois, to attend Neutron Time~of~Flight Conference, expenses to be paid from contract funds.
13. Mr. William W. Robertson.. Assistant Professor of Physics, January 26- February 2, 1959, to New York City, to present a paper at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society, expensef- to be paid from contract funds *
14. Mr, Lloyd A, JeffresB-Professor of Psychology and Research-Psychologia t, Defense Research Laboratory, January 13-16; 1959; to San Diego, California, and January 28-February 24, 1959, to Long Beach, California, on Labo rat ory technlcal matters, eacpenses to be paid from contract funds.
15. Mr, W. Lynn Brovn, Associate Professor of Psychology and Research Scientist, Radiobiological Laboratory, January 12-18, 1959* to Phlladelphia, Pennaylvania, and February 1~5* 1959; to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and Washington, D. C.; on technicai matters pertaining to research, eapenses to be paid from contract funds.
16. Mr. George Mouahegian, Instructor in Psychology and Psychologist, Defense Research Laboratory, January 29-February 24, 1959? to Long Beach, California, to technicai matters pertaining to research, expensea to be paid from contract funds.
17» Mr. Carl M, Rosenquist, Professor of Soclology, February 27-28, 1959; to Monterrey, Mexico, to attend research conference sponsored by the Hogg Foundation, expenses to be paid from funds of Hogg Foundation.
18. Mr. Thomas Russell Woolley, Jr.;, Assistant Professor of Speech,
February 3-9, 1959, to Williamsburg, Virginia, to accompany students to the Marshall-Wythe Debate Touraament, expensee to be paid from funds of the Oratorical Association.
19. Mr. Clark Hubbs, Associate Professor of Zoology, February 4-6, 1959; to Pushmatapa, Louisiana, to collect stocks for experimental purposes, expenses to be paid from National Science Foundation grant.
20. Mr, Arthur M. Córy, Assistant Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, February 25-29, 1959> to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for Conference on Instruction Sponsored by the State Department of Education of the Soutbwestern States, expenses to be paid from travel funds of the Dean*s
21. Mr. Otis A. Singletary, Assistant Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, March 1-4, 1959, to Chicago^ Illinois, to attend the annual National Conference on Higher Education as a representative of the UniverBity, erpenaes to be paid from travel funda of the Dean*s Office.
22. Mr. William R. Spriegel, Professor of Management, February 5-6,
1959; to Washington, D. C., to speak to Inter-Agency Hospital Mmi.nl.s-trators1 Conference and for conferences, expenses to be paid from the W. R, Spriegel Supplemental Expense Account,
23. Mr, C. C. Colvert, Professor and Consultant in Junior College Education, March 8-13, 1959; to Long Beach, California, to attend the annual meeting of the American Association of Junior Coliegee, expenses to be paid from College of Bducation, Office of the Dean, Office of the Junior College Consultant, Office and Travel Bxpense.
24. Mr. James W. Reynolds, Professor, Junior College Education,
January 22-24, 1959; to Miami* Oklahoma, to attend conferences vi.th the Presidents of Northeast Oklahoma A&M Junior College, and to Joplin, Missouri, in connection with research pro je ot. expenses to be paid from Analysis of Junior College Community Service Prograune, SAE - 7288, travel funds.
25* Mr. Robert L. Mills, Professor of Bducational Administration, and Chainnan of Department, February 13-18, 1959, to Atlantic City, Nev Jersey, to attend the annual meeting of the American Association of School Administr&tore, expenses to be paid from grant funda.