OUT-OF-STATE TRIPS * continued
25. .Dr. Jack Martin, Instructor in Psychiatry, to San Francisco, Califomia, on March 26-April 3, 1959, to present a paper at the meetings of the American Qrthopsychia tric Association and the American Association of Psychiatrie Clinics for Children? expenses to be paid froiu Psychiatry Research and Training Fund #3260*
26. Dr. Daniel Hartinez, CLinical Instructor in Otolaryngology, to Chicago, Illinois, on March 15-22, 1959, to attend a course on reconstructiwe middle ear surgery; expenses to be paid from United States Public Health Service Grant B-1647.
27. Dr. Ben Herrick, Clinical Assistant Professor of Intemal Medicine, to Chicago, Illinois, on February 6-7, 1959, to attend the Coordinators Meeting of the Medical Education for National Defense Programy expenses to be paid from the MEND Contract.
28. Dr. P. OB. Montgomery, Associate Professor of Pathology, to Boston, Massachusetts, on April 22-26, 1959r. to present a paper at the meeting of the American Society of Pathologists and Bacteriologists$ and to Atlantic City, New Jersey,on April 9-12, 1959, to attend the meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, expenses to be paid from Atomie Energy Comnission Contract AT-fcO-1)2478*
29. Dr. Ee E, Mmrhead, Professor of Pathology, to New Orleans, Louisiana, on January 20-22, 1959, to attend the meeting of the Southwest Cancer Chemotherapy Study Group and Biood Club,: expenses to be paid from United States Public Health Service Grant CY~3796*
30. Dr. Robert M. Piłce, Professor of Microbiology, to Atlantic City, New Jersey, on April 13-17, 1959., to present a paper at the Federation Meetings.
31. Dr. E. L. Pratt, Professor of Pediatrics, to Buck Hill Falls, Pennsylvania on May 6-9, 1959, to attend the meeting of the American Pediatrie Society
as a member of the Goveming Boardp expenses to be paid from Southwestem Medical Foundation Travel Fund.
32. Dr. Jack A» Pritchard, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, to New Orleans, Louisiana, on January 21-24, 1959, to present a paper at the meeting of the Southern Society for Clinical Research? cxpenses to be paid from Faculty Gifts #7788.
33. Dr. Floyd C. Rector, Jr0, Instructor m Intemal Medicine, to Atlantic City, New Jersey, on April 8-191 1959, to present a paper at the meetings of the Fedei^ated Societies, American Physioiogical Society,
34. Dr* Herbert Rumsfeld, Jr„, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, to Atlantic City, New Jersey, on April 11-19, 1959, to present a paper at the meeting of the American Physiological Society, expenses to be paid from United States Public Health Service Grant A-1237(C2)t; and to Ardmore, Oklahoma on February 20, 1959, to attend the meeting honoring Dr. P.. P„ Cohen, expenses to be paid from Atomie Energy Commission Contract AT-{40-1)^1988-4198.,
35. Dr. Jay P. Sanford, Assistant Professor of Intemal Medicine, to Washington, D.C., on January 18-20, 1959, to attend a Medical Education for National Defense Symposium, axpenses to be paid from the MEND Contractj and to Atlantic City, New Jersey, on May 2-G, 1959, to present a paper at the meeting of the American Federation for Clinical Research and the American Society of Clinical lnvestigation.
36. Miss Mary Louise Schulze, Research Associate in Microbiology, to New York City, New York, on January 12-19, 1959, to attend a Symposium of the New York Academy of Sciencej expenses to be paid from the American Medical Education Foundation Grant.
37. Dr. Holbrooke S. Seltzer, Associate Professor of Intemal Medicine, to New Orleans. Louisiana, on January 21-25, 1959, to attend the meetings of the Southern Society for Clinical Research and the American Federation for Clinical Research;* and to Chicago, Illinois on March 1-7, 1959, to consult with Dr. R, Metz, at Northwestern University concermng research problems; expenses to be paid from the Lilly Grant*