Out-of-State Trips (continued)

53^ Mr. Gordon V, Anderson, Professor of Educational Psychology and Director of the Testing and Counseling Center, March 21-27, 1959, to Cleveland, Ohio, to attend the annual meetings of the American Personnel and Guidance Associa-tion and to interviev possible st&ff members, eacpenses to be paid from travel funds of the Center.

64.    Mr. Wayne H- Holtzman, Associate Director, The Hogg Foundation for Mentol Health, January 8-9, 1959, to Monterrey, Mexico, to make preliminary arrangements for a conference on cross-cultural reseorch in the behavioral Sciences, a portion of expenses to be charged to fundę of the Hogg Foundation; and February 25-March 1, 1959, to Monterrey, Mexico, to attend a conference on cross-cuitur&l reseorch activities sponsored Jointly by the Inatituto Tecnologico and the Hogg Foundation, expenses to be paid from travel funds of the Foundation.

65.    Mr. Floyd W, Savage, Interschoiastic Musie Director, Bureau of Public School Service, February 21-23, 1959, to Wichita, Kansas, to conduct a demonstration workshop, expenses to be paid from Interscholaatic League -General Fee.

66. The following with expenses paid from funds of Intercollegiate Athletics:

(1)    Mr. Darrell Royal, Football Coach, January 27-28, 1959,

to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to contact prospective athletee.

(2)    Mr. Ray Willsey, Assistant Football Coach, January 19-21,

1959, to Artesia, Clovis, and Hobbs, New Mexico, to contact prospective athletes; and February 10-13, 1959, to Seminole and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for the same purpose.

(3)    Mr. Ciyde Littlefield, Track Coach, March 3-5, 1959, to Kansas City, Missouri, to attend Testimonial Award Dinner of the Rockne Club which picked Mr. Littlefield as ,fTrack Coach of the Year."

(4) Eighteen members of the swimming team, February 4-6, 1959, to Norman, Oklahoma, for swimming meet.

67* Mr. Robert D. Turpin, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, March 8-14, 1959, to Washington, D. C., to attend meetings of American Society of Photogrammetry and American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, expenses to be paid from funds of the Engineering Foundation.

68. Mr. Kenneth L. Bowers, A38ociate in Production, Visual Instruction Bureau, April 12-17, 1959, Seattle, Washington, to attend sessions of the National Convention of the Department of Audio-Visual In6truction of the National Education Association and to represent the Visual Instruction Bureau at the meetings of the National Coznmittees of the Department of Audio-Vis?u.al Instruction, expenses to be paid from travel funds of the Bureau.

69. The following with transportation expenses paid from funds of the Caramittee on Attendance at MeetingB of Learned Societies, the st&ff member in each case to deliver a paper:

(1)    Mr. J. W. Ibster, Professor of Bacteriology, May 10-14, 1959,

to attend the meeting of the Society of American Bacteriologists

in St. Louis. Missouri.


(2)    Mr. Lester J. Reed, Professor of Chemistry, April 13-17, 1959, to Atlantic City, Ńew Jersey, to attend the meeting of the American Society of Biologlcai Chemists.

(3)    Mr. Walter C. Neale, Assistant Professor of Economics, March 23-25, 1959, to Washington, D. C., to attend the meeting of the Association for Asian Studiee.

(4)    Mr. G. W. Hofftnan, Associate Professor of Geogr&phy, March 29-April 2, 1959, to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to attend the meeting of the Association of American Geographers.


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