Out-of-St&te Trips (continued)

557 rir* John R. Stockton, Director, and Mr. Stanley A. Arblngast, Aasis-ant Director, Bureau of Business Research, to change the datę of their tripa to Gainesville, Florida., to February 22-March 1, 1959; to attend the meeting of Associated University Bureaus of Business and Econcanlc Research, expenses to be paid from the Maintenance, Eąuipment, and Travel account of the Bureau.

53. Mr. Howard T. Odum, Director, and Messrs. Louis 3. Kornicker, John T. Conover, and William McFarland, Research Scientiste, Institute of Marinę Science, February 12-16, 1959, to a coral reef in the vicinity of Tampico, Mexico, in the performance of research under a Rockefeller grant, expenses to be paid from grant funds.

5L. Mr. Carl H. Oppenheimer, Research Scientist V, Institute of Marinę Science, March łl-lk, 1959; to New York City, to serve as chairman of a committee on the organization of an International Conference on Marinę Microbiology to be supported by the Microbiology Branch of the Office of Naval Research, expenses to be paid from contract funds*

55.    Miss Willie Holdaworth, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, Extension Teaching and Field Service Bureau, March 1-6, 1959; to Cincinnati, Ohio, to attend the annual meeting of the National Association for Supenrision and Curriculum Development, expenses to be paid from Ehctension Teaching Centers.

56.    Mrs. Pauline W. Burbrink, Subject Matter and Research Specialist (Training Specialist II), Distributive Education divi6ion of the Industrial and Business Training Bureau, February 1-8, 1959; to Washington, D* C., to attend a meeting of Dietributive Education personnel, transportation expenses to be paid from Dallas Home Furnishings Mart Grant.

57.    Mr. James Luther Cockrum, Specialist, Liąuefied Petroleum Gaa,

Industrial Education Department of the Industrial and Business Training Bureau, February 15-19; 1959; to Atlanta, Georgia, to attend a National Advi80ry Committee meeting on the preparation of instructional materiał for the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Industry, expenses to be paid from grant funds.

58.    Mr. Charles Cyrus, Industrial Teacher Trainer, Industrial Education Department of the Industrial and Business Training Bureau, April 25-May 3; 1959; Kansas City, Missouri, to participate in a National Conference on Vocational Industrial and Technical Education calied by the U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, expenses to be paid frcan the Maintenance, Equipment, and Travel account of the Bureau.

59* Mr. C. R. Eddine, Industrial Teacher Trainer, and Mr. Joe L. Reed, Assistant Director and Teacher Trainer, Industrial Education Department of the Industrial and Business Training Bureau, will aiso attend the conference in Kansas City, Missouri, described above during the period April 25-May 3> 1959.

60.    Mr. Ernest Fred Tiemann, Director, Visual Instruction Bureau, February 14-20, 1959; to Atlantic City, New Jersey, to meet with the Educational Policies Commission of the National Education Association and to meet

with representatives of the Department of Audio-Visual Instruction of the National Education Association, expenses to be paid from travel funds of the Visual Instruction Bureau.

61. Mr. James R. D. Eddy, Dean of* the Division cf Jebctension, February 15-18, 1959; to Atlanta, Georgia, to attend a meeting of the National Advisory Committee on training for the Liquid Petroleum Gas Industry, expenses to be paid from grant funds; and March 3-7, 1959, to Chicago, Illinois, to attend

a meeting of Deans of extension education, expenses to and from to be paid from travd funds of the Dean'3 Office.

62.    Mr. J. Neils Thompson, Director. Balcones Research Center, February 21-27, 1959, to Los Angeles, Califomia, to attend the annuai meeting of the

American Concrete Institute, expenses to be paid from Balcones Research Center travel account.



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