Entrelac Patterns

Row 2. l.ist odgo triangle

At the end of the row, work another triangle: p10 st out of the side edge of the last triangle, t klO. t p8, p2 tog. t - k9. t • p7, p2 tog, etc. Puli the working yarn through the last st and cut it off.

Row 3, squares

Hero, you work squares ovor the entire row: Knit 10 st out of the side edge of the triangle, t ‘ p10, t - k9, single dec <*» slip the last st knitwise, k the first st of the square of the second row and pass the slippod st over), t • rep from * until all the stitches of the square are used. Then don*t turn and k another 10 st out of the side edge of the next part. Work the follow ing squares the same way and. at the end, cut the yarn off.

Row 4, end triangles from right to left

Work the last st of the previous triangle with the new yarn, then pick up 10 st knitwise out of the side edge 1-11 st), t p9, p2 tog, t - k9. 1 single dec, t - p8. p2 tog. t -k8. 1 single dec. t. Continue according to the same principle until only 1 st is left on the needle. Then pick up another 10 st out of the side edge. Work all the follow ing triangles the same way.

Row 5, end row from left to right. first smali triangle

For the first smali triangle, p the first 2 st of the last square you worked, t ki, inc 1, selv st, t p2, p the third st tog wilh the first st of the square (- p2 tog), t k2, inc 1, selv st, t    -    p3. p2 tog,    t -    k3, inc 1,

selv st, t    p4, p2 tog,    t -    k4. inc 1.

selv st, t    p5, p2 tog,    t -    k6, t - p2

tog. p3, p2 tog, t - k5,    t -    p2 tog. p2,

p2 tog. t - k4, t - p2 tog, p1. p2 tog, t k3, t - p2 tog 2'. then pass the first st over the second = 1 st loft.

Row 5, triangle

Pick up 10 st purlwise out of the side edge of the square, t k11.1 p2 tog, p8, p1 st of the triangle tog with the first st of the previous square l= p2 tog), t - k10, t = p2 tog, p7. p2 tog, t - k9, t p2 tog, p6. p2 tog, t. Continue working according to the same principle. P the last 2 st of the end triangle tog, put the st back onio the left needle, and then p tog with the last st of the square.

Row 5, last smali triangle

P 10 st out of the side edge of the last square, t - ki 1. t p2 tog. p7, p2 tog, t - k9, t - p2 log, p5, p2 tog. t k7, t. Continue working according to the same principle. At the end. p2 tog. put the st back onto the left needle, and p the last 2 st tog. Cut of1 the yarn and puli the end through.



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