To make St. Nick’s hat, cut a half-circle out of red felt. Roli it into a cone shape, and glue the edges together. To make a cuff for the hat, cut a strip of white felt with the pinking shears or scissors, and glue it around the bottom of the hat. Glue the white pom-pon on top. Then glue the hat on top of St. Nick’s hair.
rr» To make St. Nick’s legs, cut two pieces of red felt 1 inch wide by 6 inches long. Cut two boots out of black felt, and glue them to the ends of the red felt. Using the pinking shears or scissors, cut two pieces of white felt for the cuffs.
Glue them around St. Nick’s ankles. Glue the legs to the inside front of the cardboard tubę.
O. Using the pinking shears or scissors, cut a strip of white felt for St. Nick’s belt. Glue it around his waist, as shown on the right. Cut a belt buckie out of black felt, and glue it to the belt. Cut two buttons out of white felt, and glue them onto St. Nick’s jacket. Cut eyes, a nose, a mustache, and a mouth out of felt.
Glue them onto St. Nick’s face.
O. To make his hair, spread out the cotton bali and glue it around the top of the tubę. M.
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