HAT: Bcg al ero**. <b 6 and
joia witb sl st lo form ring. RNDS 1-5: Replacing fint dc »itb 3 ch thiwgkcui. ia bcg ring »c*k 16 dc w>3 coct with dc as ihcwn; thruughcut. ctae with sl stiaiopofch-3. AlendofrodS drop thread. Bria: Ch 32 and joio with >1 st to form ring. RNDS 1-3: Work 3 rads dc: dote eacb rod same as for owa At cni of red 3. <0M with il u ia fes chip. RND4: 1 scinda-1 Iptctow.iben * Ich. I sc ia wat cb-l Ip. rep from • around; ctesc with il M in fint sc Fajtcn off (i« black wedge).
MOrtócof rew 1
Olt-wSco oyw
Joining rai: glace bnm aO dong rnd S of sidc of hal. ptek cp dropped thread aod jota ihe Iwo with I rad sc. istertin* bocie ihru toeh thteknesses (set bold typek dosc with si u ta fira sc. Fastn
DRESS: Beg al waistband of sJdru c* 21 * 3 to ftro <• fint dc throaghott}. ROWS 1-4; Wc*k dc across aod. oa rows I aod 2. ue as sbown; ch 3. tara each rov ciccp al cod of row 4 RNDS S-2ft At ead of row 4. jota wtth sl X ta top of ch-3 at beg of row to form nag. From nerw oo work in Ihe round following diagram;
_ /n /N o .o,
dote each rad same aa for crown and. at ead of radi 8 and 19. slip-lUtch ło corresp st At cod of rod 20. faflen off (kc Naci wedge). Mitt: RS fadng. altach thread with d a ia fir« tt of heg ch cf skirt and work $ ro«s at per dugom. At end of row 5. fuaea off. AdgiJif: RS faang. altach thread with d s ia top of dc al ead of row 4 of shm(scc wbite wtdge) and »«k I row se acm skin opeaing and bodke at per boid typc ca diagram, forming 3 locp buttonkuAtt oa righl sidc. cad widtil U werted intopofch-
3 at bcg tf row 4 of sini Faswi
bold typa
al ml oT IM
row. doi «wth tiitwortcdai łap o( ch-3 to S««m rmg
JACKET: Bcg al nrói. ch 44 . 3 lo lun and woric $ rows dc as sbowa. Sen, RS facia* uucb thread with sl st in dc at bcg of row J (icc wbite wedge) and work 3 morę rows across rtghl hal/front <RHF> as per diagram; faste a off (sec black wedge). Corrpiete bark and U fi kalf front <LHF> scparalely ia *ame »ay. Crocbetjan ihjuldtn with 7 sc (sbown tn bold typc), iescrong hook throegh toth tfeckoessei. No* altacb thre-kl at 5th row of RHF (sec wbite wrdge) aod woti I row across frett lo tedy edge fasien off (tee black wedge).
Work ia utnę way across LHF tmt at end of row do not fas ten cff. cb I to tom (sec tśay arrow) and cors! at pa diagnro fce front bani i aod tallar. formuj one buuonArde oo RHF as sbown FISISIIING: Sew bultoa to jackct opposiec tuUoabołe. Sew 3 bottoos to btek of bodicc opposite loop boltonboles {also refer to diagram of comptcted drcsl_