00266 Ù4691a816ffaef1f9b3e8635d95fa34

00266 Ù4691a816ffaef1f9b3e8635d95fa34


Yander Wiel

Arguments for Theorems 2 and 3 For clarity we set Yi = |Z,|. To make the

arguments elear, we take the liberty of letting the symbol Pr represent a probability density as well as the probability of an event.

To see why Theorem 2 follows from Theorem 1 consider the following:

Pr{maxTA = u) = ^Pr{l* = «}Pr{all other Ysś. u\Yk = u}


= Pr{T0 = t/}^Pr{ prior to k, all Fs^t/IT* =u}


xPr{afterA:, aUTs<«|yA =u}

The second equality follows from the first because the Ys are identically distributed (with density 2<j>(') on (0,oo)) and given Yk the Ts prior to k are independent of the Ys following k due to the Markov property.

To see why the recursion for Fk is possible notice that g*(-|v) is the density given that Yk = v and then consider the following:

^(wly) = Pr{prior to k, all Xs <    =v}

Jv q Pr{prior to A- — 1, all ł^s < w|TrA_, = s, Yk = v}g*(s)v)*/s

The second eÄ…uality results from conditioning on y*_, in addition to Yk. To get the third equality Yk is dropped as a conditioning variable. This is valid because the Markov property implies that (YQ,...,Yk_2) and Yk are independent given Yk_x. The argument giving the recursion for Fk is similar.


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