Yander Wiel
ARLs for smali shifts in an iid process (X = 0) reąuires k near 0.5 whereas getting reasonably Iow ARLs for large shifts when X is 0.5 or higher reąuires k to be close to 1.0 or higher. This should be useful for control chart design and it follows the traditional wisdom for CUSUM charts that smali values of k produce better ARLs for smali shifts while large values of k give better ARLs for large shifts.
3. EWMA: An EWMA monitoring scheme is based on an exponentially weighted moving average of the forecast errors
where Q0 is initialized at zero. The scheme signals when \Q,\ exceeds an action limit h. The weight y e(0,l] and the action limit h are design
parameters. Choosing y and h for an EWMA scheme is similar to choosing k and h for a CUSUM scheme. For a given y, h can be selected to give a desired ARL0. The right panel of Figurę 4 shows curves of h versus y for three values of ARL0. Given ARL0 and y, the appropriate curve can be used to determine
h. Thus, it remains to choose a reasonable value for y. Setting y = 1 produces the usual Shewhart individuals chart with “/i-sigma” limits.
Figurę 6 is to the EWMA as Figurę 5 is to the CUSUM. Its Iayout and use are essentially identical. Columns are indexed by X and rows are indexed by |x. In each panel the top, middle, and bottom curves correspond to EWMAs with ARL0 values of 500, 250, and 100 respectively. Each curve shows ARLs for given sized shifts as functions of the EWMA design parameter y where the control limit h is selected (from Figurę 4) to give the appropriate ARL0.
The curves in Figurę 6 look remarkably similar to those in Figurę 5. Of course they are not identical but apparently a CUSUM monitoring scheme with reference level k is roughly equivalently to an EWMA scheme with y = 2k. The next subscction has further comparisons among the different classes of monitoring schemes.
A reasonable rule of thumb for designing EWMA schemes for monitoring IMA processes is to choose y close to X but not outside the rangę [0.1, 0.5]. (If, however, the process is known to be a random walk (X = 1), then it makes sense to take y = 1 and monitor with a Shewhart chart.) Typically, smali values of y give better ARLs for smali shifts and large values give better