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what constitutes “Education?" For ages men have tried to answer the query and the solution is not yet, but there is one point all wise educators agree upon, and that is, that the care of the body is as important as the care of the mind.
It is not the purpose of this work to enter upon a long discussion of the subject, but this much may be said: that boys and girls should indulge frcely in out-door excrcises. Let them associate pleasure with the care of the body, let thcm run and jumpandclimb and shout, let them be merry and happy, let them compete in manly contests in a rnanly way, and when the weather does not permit out-door exer-cise, an excrcising apparatus should be used.
If parents believe that girls occupy an inferior place in life let them deprive them of the benefits of exercise, do not let them participate in the sports that make their brothers hardy and healthy, keep them much in the house, and make hot-house plants of them—bring them up in such a manner that they will fade away if exposed to a rigorous elimate; rear them so that when called upon to fulfill the functions of wives and mothers their lives are miserable by reason of suffcring.
Parents are responsible for many of these “states.” Fathers and mothers can so educate their daughters that they will dcrive both pleasure and benefit from out-door games, and yet possessall the sweet ąualities that “so well become a woman."
Plato well says “A good education is that which assures to the body all the beauty, all the perfection of which it is capable."
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