ape 007
Anderson’s Physical Education.
Ali time and nioney spent in training the body pays a largcr interest than any other investment. gladstone.
Today no apology is needed in making a plea for gymuastic or physical training. Every institution of learn-ing of any importancc in America advertises courses for the education of the body, while the buildings devoted to the training of the physiąuc at our colleges and universi-ties are the fmest and most elaborate of their kind in the worid. Were argument needed to persuade the skeptical that it is well to care for the body, certainly the action of the faculties of our colleges in permitting the cxpendi-tures of vast sums of money on “Temples of Health" would be most convincing.
The statement can at oncc be madę that those who go to the universities will receive the benefit, but how about those who are not among the “Elect?" What can be done for the great army of men, women, and children who can neither attend institutions of learning, nor have the time or opportunity to go to gymnasiums?
If there is a desire to keep out of the hands of the 7
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ape 006 ANDERSON*S PHYS1CAL EDUCATION.PART III. SECTTON. TAOC. I. &nbsape 012 2 ANDERSON S PHYSICAL EDUCATION GRACE. AU Systems claim this to be a resultant. Grace is conape 024 24 ANDERSON S PHYSICAL EDUCATION. and rcst; medicine will not cure, but far better is it thaape 040 4° ANDERSONA PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Crouching positiun. Action: For the front thigh, the calf oape 042 42 ANDERSONA PHYSICAL EDUCATION. coramon defect, it is necessary to strengthen thc muscles aape 054 54 ANDERSONA PHYSICAL EDUCATION. FiGITM! 12- FRONT FORt-AK.M. CurJ arms up to shoulder, retuape 056 56 ANDERSONA PHYSICAL EDUCATION Figurk 24 Side to the E.erciser. Right arm down past front&nape 064 64 ANDERSONS PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Fiocik 35. SIDE W Al ST. 1. Sway the bodyape 016 ■ 6 ANDERSONA PHYSICAL EBUCATION. have it in the bcst possible condition.ape 020 JO ANDERSON S 1 HYSICAL EDUCATION. what constitutes “Education?" For ages men have trieape 048 ANDERSONA PHYSICAL EDWCAT10N. An excellcnt exercisc for round shoulders. In nddition tnape 052 5ANDERSONS PHYSICAL EDUCATION. FlGCRIt l8. FRUNT UPPEH A RM. From front horizontal, currc boape 058 5S ANDERSON S PHYSICA1. EDECATION FrcirKK 28. Back to Exerciser. Hands from side in half-cirCCF20100216 004 12 English Phonetics and Phonology ii) In making the two vowels described above, itREIDER PART 107 Chapter 3 Elbow and Forearm 97 V Figurę 3-56. The milking maneuver. varus stress teREIDER PART 127 Chapter 4_Hand and Wrist 117 Damage to the insertion of the central slip of the extI .Reprinted fioui The Physical Kotew, Vol. 73, Ko. 3, 2S8-2S9, Fcbruaiy 3. 3943 Pnntcd in U. S. A./CCF20100216 004 12 English Phonetics and Phonology ii) In making the two vowels described above, itape 003 ANDERSONAPHYSICAL EDUCATIONHEALTH AND STRENGTH GRACE AND SYMMETRY AKKANl.ED AND COMP1LKDWILLwięcej podobnych podstron