Crouching positiun. Action: For the front thigh, the calf of the leg, for ankle, and joints at knee and hip.
Anki.es.—The turning of the ankle is a bad habit that both sexes have acąuired. Ii may be conquered by de-veloping the muscles and ligaments of the leg and ankle.
Ali exercises for the thigh and leg will tend to so strengthen the ankle that the “turning” will disappear.
In addition to the movements shown in Figs. 3, 7 and 9. skating, running, hopping, and for young men and boys tumbling, are recommcnded.
It is taken for granted in mentioning these exercises, that ordinary judgment will be used by the one exercising.
Notk.—The moyemems referred t<- in may be taken with-
out apparatus, but if practiccd in conncction wirh the Exerciser will be found spccially ad\antageous.