have it in the bcst possible condition. Weakness of mem-ory, Iow spirits, ill temper, and even insanity often pene-trate the mind of many persons so deeply through their bad pbysical condition, as to cast out and dispossess knowledge itself.'
There is great security on the other hand for those whose bodies are in good condition. Ralher it is natural that good bodily health conduces to the very contrary to those evils which arise from bad health. It is disgraceful that any one, through want of attention to tbese matters, should grow old without seeing what sort of a man he can become by making his body as well developed and robust as possible. And this no one can know who does not pay proper attention to these things, for they do not come of their own accord and unsought.
It makes no difference what the calling of a man rnay be, he cannot make headway in this busy world without using the body and mind. Whatever his profession, he must use the brain in connection with the scrvants of the brain, the muscles. A well developed mind that has to do with healthy contractile tissues will accomplish morę than the same mind that can cali on only poor muscles. The evidence sf the most learned and cautious men bears wit-ness to this. We cannot get good work out of tired ser-vants, nor can we build strongly and beautifully with poor materiał. The business man who wants to accomplish the greatest amount of good with the energy at his disposal can only go so far as his capabilities will permit; one step beyond this dead linę and he collapses.
As an investment, a gilt-edged investment, every ener-getic worker should pay attention to the health of the body and mind.
No stock company will make a greater return for money