ape 012
AU Systems claim this to be a resultant. Grace is con-trolled strength or an cvidence of the expenditure of the right amount of energy to produce a definite result. The clumsy person of either sex will become morę graceful by exercise; the Professional man or woman, the public speaker, the orator, the lawyer, the minister, will gain a good and easy stage presence in a shorter time from exer-cise than from atiy other source.
While these are not the same, yet they are interlaced. He who never shows emotion, who is calm and self-con-tained in the face of danger, who curbs his temper, is not cast down by grief, checks an angry word—in short, who can manage himself—exhibits self-control. Ali emotion is expressed by muscular movement: muscular movement is controlled by will. The control of the muscles by the will is physical training of a certain order, it is physical educa-tion in the highest sense. It may be said “That man has never taken gymnastios in his life, yet he never loses his self-control.” True, but he has practiced this special form of physical education.
Self-control is the mastery over the restless members of the body. What is the loss of self-control? Visible emotion. How do we express any emotion but by muscular movement? Anger, sadness, joy, fear, jealousy, are all shown in this way. When suddenly confrontcd with unpleasant news our muscles, like wild horses, at once slip from our controi and it is shown by the face, if in no other way, that we are affected.
To quote Prof. E. L. Richards, of Yale University: ‘The effect of exercise on the character is felt most of
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