ape 024
and rcst; medicine will not cure, but far better is it that man should not go so far before he begins to use the remedy. A fcw minutes each day will help—will start the heart to beating faster, the lungs to morę thoroughly puri-fying the blood, will assist the scavenger organs in remov-ing waste materiał, the purveyor organs in building up new tissue. E.\ercise will make over and keep in fine condi-tion.
If the results are not noticed immediately, remember that the disease came slowly, was insidious and undermin-ing, it secured a firm hołd, and there will be a stubborn fight before it gires up. The scheme presented in this book is intended to be not only scientifically beneficial but enjoyable as well.
“Health is a thing," says Carlyle, “to be attended to continually. There is no achieeement in the world that is equal to perfect health. “
Lawyers, minislers, and speakers of any class under-stand the value of a “carrying voice." They know it is due to lung powTer, a good chest, and a set of yigorous expiratory muscles. These physical attainments will come through exercise; some men already possess them, but they are the exception.
Women who enter the professional ranks have, as a rule, weak, high-pitched voices that irritate their listeners. The judicious exercise of the vocal chords, together with the muscles of the throat and chest, will change the char acter of the voice. If these things are tvorth having they are worth working for, they will only come through use and practice.
Rew Dr. Munger, of Yale Unirersity, makes this State-ment:
“When we think, it is not alone the mind that thinks, it is the whole man, and the process begins with the body.
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