ape 070
Face to Excrciser. Arms straigkt over head, bnckward bcnd, upward raisc, forward bend, knees extended. Action: Abdomen and back.
1. Swing bćtween feet.
2. Swing to baek of head.
3. Swing betwfon fcel.
.j. Swing to a high vcriical. ActiiMi: Muscles <»f abdomen, smali of bark, and front wali oł chcst.
Kmi-wi? 4s-
The above is especially goud for llie muscles of the abdomen, and is recommended to thosc who suffer from indigestion or poor assimiiation of food.
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ape 042 42 ANDERSONA PHYSICAL EDUCATION. coramon defect, it is necessary to strengthen thc muscles aape 054 54 ANDERSONA PHYSICAL EDUCATION. FiGITM! 12- FRONT FORt-AK.M. CurJ arms up to shoulder, retuape 056 56 ANDERSONA PHYSICAL EDUCATION Figurk 24 Side to the E.erciser. Right arm down past front&nape 058 5S ANDERSON S PHYSICA1. EDECATION FrcirKK 28. Back to Exerciser. Hands from side in half-cirape 064 64 ANDERSONS PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Fiocik 35. SIDE W Al ST. 1. Sway the bodyape 024 24 ANDERSON S PHYSICAL EDUCATION. and rcst; medicine will not cure, but far better is it thaape 040 4° ANDERSONA PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Crouching positiun. Action: For the front thigh, the calf oape 069 69THF. ABDOMEN. Ficrwi? 43. Face to Fxerriser. Bond sliffhtiy forwnrd and make a swiincning&ape 012 2 ANDERSON S PHYSICAL EDUCATION GRACE. AU Systems claim this to be a resultant. Grace is conape 007 Anderson’s Physical Education.PART I. SECTION I. INTRODUCTION. Ali time and nioney spent inape 008 8 ] NTRODUCTION. physician, and a wish to enjoy the happiness and cxhilara-tion that comes fape 011 RESULTS OF PHYSICAL TRA1MNG. be too thoroughly appreciated for any one of its parts to be eiape 016 ■ 6 ANDERSONA PHYSICAL EBUCATION. have it in the bcst possible condition.ape 020 JO ANDERSON S 1 HYSICAL EDUCATION. what constitutes “Education?" For ages men have trieape 034 34ANDERSOWS PHYSICAL FDLCATION. NOMENCLATURE.To develop or strengthen any portion of the bodape 048 ANDERSONA PHYSICAL EDWCAT10N. An excellcnt exercisc for round shoulders. In nddition tnape 075 75 THE BACK. Face to Exerci$er. Arms nver hcad, ba<kwa:d bcnd, forwartf bcnd. ActionGideon, John Kindred BS Years ago, Lewis Kindred came face to face with absolute euil. He saw itimg034 (17) face to face adj (U2 T3) tooking directly at one another farę n (p 40) the money awięcej podobnych podstron