ape 046
Notę.—Whilc taking thc movcmcnts gTasp thc handles. Assume tha best possible standing position, with head crcct, chcst arched hips back. (See Fig. 12.)
1. Neck Work. Ctasp the hands back of the head, bcnd head backward, but puli head with hands 8 to 16 times. (See Figs. io and ii.)
3. Shoulder Work. Swing the arms forward and upward, then force them back and down 6 to S times.
3. Back Work. With the arms up bend the body well forward, keeping the arms at the side of the head, 8 times.
4. Same as No. 3, but in the kneeling position. Also bend the body backward.
5. Neck Work. Lie face downward on the floor or mat, resting the forehead on the folded arms. Raise head as high as possible 8 to 16 times.
6. Upper Spine. With the neck firm, position Fig. 53. lying face down, sonie one holding the fect, raise the shoulders as high as possible, 1 to 10 times.
In cases the exercises are too severe, take each one only a few times and omit No. 6.
t. From the starting position (see Fig. 12), swing the arms shoulder-high to the side, as in Fig. 13.
2. From starting position swing the arms to the lettet “Y” position seen in Fig. 61.
3. Finally swing the arms up over the head as it Fig. 46.
To elevate the shoulders take the exercise seen in Fig. 26.
To depress the shoulders take the exercise seen in Fig- 33-
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