Compide the Ib dird
iwolnrte irriłfi.
•Uh tmoref.
Coflrtf Ihe testem*'
A:DBWhw if 4lHi5_U y^lpOf
D; Yn. Itrp r>ng IM ic«d md mil trair lo il.
77. Ommldę llie eiprcsiłon below.
Altfci lk/5 łW lipln plnlliuin for llatcclniut?
B: No, mi afiaid H tali. You need M» go lo plalfonn ilx.
7g. Cotnplele Ihc expte«*iiHi below. .
Ar*)«' *<»* wrto _L.r rl»»'l dlrecilon?1 donl remeinbcr teeing lim tmlldlng befom.
79. Cotnplele Ihe quedifw nhoul sppd in llie dinlogttc below.
A: Wlui'1 your -** /»' •> ■ ' ** player?
B: Ronnldhino.TIiiliii hcr» brilliatrt
Compide llie auetllfm abotlt npori Iii llie dialogu* below. A: Whkh Icani Cf *j. ;ł .M, . ?
R llmcelona. I go lo iicmly all tln ii gam«.
68. 69
CompfatotfmdialopN below.
A: Could ym tell me The wnv Jo thc/celhedinl?
B: rm mity. I donl JtfJm llie a™.
Compide Uw dlnloguc below.
A: Could you lali me tha way lo (be llirntic. pttase?
B: Cdtalnly. li'* stiniglrt down tli ii >oad. You can'l UAtl
Complele llie ll iiommlly __
81. Cnmplete Ihe qnull<n ilm tp*i m 4e dwlopue below
B: No( »oo weM. 1Wy’r* in thr of 4r Inp*
82 CwfMt thcqacdlnn nhoul spod lo tr dalogae below.
Igo to
83. Compide 4r aeWoneo wiih tłe mperfaińe fmof Ibe ałgoń* b Raul might norbeoo ferm d ihe mMM. hwi hel MiR oaeofilw _ in the mu Id.
Cotnplele lite senirnce willi au I cen mbA io »r«k llłeeuoy
>piiflle wl or plunie, me nhoul lwenty minitlei lo RC« •*» **’**
wttfdor ph>Me
Cti^ic fte Mlmw mdi m m«niin wordor durne. IW tram* areol ve«y rdtaMe. lhey oftru arm* Ml f
Omptorihe Ile Ml
wiOi aa appropriale woni
_ te We M We hfa he
Cotnplele Ihc scnlence willi nn npproprinle woid.
TheyVe ihe public ifanipoil ■ lol. Ihe Kaina iwarły »•*»>*• m,lv* on ,,n,c "°w
nnd llwte nce a lol inore busei llwn bcforc.
Complele Ihe sciiicticr "Uh(«n npproprinle woni WhalUmcdoeihe Aiwf.
Compłetc ihe r ipr—ion below.
I nied to rii; yoo cerber, bd I had łM
14. Compide Ihc udwu whh the mperhline Totm of llie adjeciive In brackcls.
lhal «■*» one ol llte____i ■ i i f *__|lanl| flltni l've ever wen. ll nn* leiriblol
85. Cmnplde (lic MiiIriK* wHb Ihc łupetlalhr lonn nf Ihe nd)erlive in lunckdi.
Ile’* Ute |U4>fP. li1'-. . V |iu/|ip>) pciton IVe IW md. HCk alwnyi unjling and laughing.
86. Complele Ihe scnlence w illi lite mpn Inliye renu or (lic adjer llv e in hrackcls.
Slre‘s one of llie łld; Hi j_ ’Vv |clevc«) nludettls in Ihe cbss. Shc’i Inilliani nr mailiemaiksl
87. Com|ildo lite senteo«■ \j ii|i Ute nipctliiliie fpnn of Ihe atljecliye in brnckela.
Pragnę is one ofilie I y i (hcautiAil)cilles l\e evcr wco.
88. Complele lite MtileiuT willi (lic Niiprilnlńc Cmmof Ihe adjcclbe in Iwrlrb
- I(c'slhe_‘'. '>«’«*»»pN>«*■*•«leam llelmaiYgolomtbesperiencc.
89. CbmplUŁihe wmy wilhjppnopiuir wwdrnrphram.
|'n> llmłinf , ,*)/ . •' < ■ • a coołioe cowra*. Al ihc moment I (kul nt» know
hD/ Qmb b-—cói**egf.
90. Complele ihc realmin nńh jmryabw mwth or phraw . \
nn*Mi*ę_ »B^ftlnw«lwet fd likcm kam \V2lI Ip__Jance
__2_200MUyM*n» w Uh lite wBshing mnrltiiK. iri making n icnlly itrnngc noiwl Compide llie expie*iion below.
fm nol lutpiised ll doesnl work. Yotfyc pul llie bnlteika in Ihc wroog __
Complele (be caprcMlon below. ą h I
Sony ftu Ide. I mck the bor, boli frOf Ł _aUbeotoog
bod to waft oearly ■ wale lo gd hm. Ir
91. Complele (liii sentenee nhoul lite Ittlitie willi llie vcrh Iii hrackeli In
92. Complele Uim wnleme aU«m ihe fdwt nilh ihe %erb in Irortcto m Ihe prewm ample Iewe
Thepby ĆM*r.__|dartialliBlfpaiłeighl.»łwtrdhe«dm**lar«Mei^i
91 Complrir ihń semen* ihc (Mmc <\«h the vcrt*ln hrackd* in llie |«eieiil limplr lane.
Whallinie ' /'•’!>'Uoui cUd/linUh)?
the preicnl slmple lenie. IPHiorron7