Ms no: 1
normalty you team about humans by studying humans. Whbh discipline aBows for getting insight i oto human psychobgy and behavbrs by studying other animals (insects induding)?
Choose one answer.
a. ethics
b. etology
c. comparative evolutbnary psychobgy /
d. ccgnitive psychology
5 There has been observed the foibwing relatbnship: the morę often femates of a given spece matę with different mates
Mirto: i
Choose one answer.
Maria 'ar this subnnsstan: 1/1.
a. the morę frustrated they {males} are
b. the less off spring they {femates) produce
c. the bigger the size of males" testes is /
2 |
The initis 1 formulatbn of sperm competitbn theory was |
basec on observatbn of |
Mirto: l |
Choose one answer. |
a. primates |
b. birds | ||
® |
c. insects / | |
Cotea | ||
Marks 'ar this sjprrlss^an: 1/1. | ||
3 |
When a female mates with numerous mates it is calted | |
Mirto:’ |
Choose at teast one answer. |
a. promiscuity / |
0 |
b. polyandrous mating / | |
□ |
c. cuckobry | |
□ |
d. waste of her time and erergy | |
□ |
e. dtsgracirg herself |
Msno: 1
Maria for this :_ńrr."on: J/l_
Maria far this sj&rasian: 1/1.
6 Whbh are some of the remote guarding mechanisms mentbned in the te*?
3. a pług forms in female genitals that prevents her from subseouent copulatbns /
b. a substar.ee in seminal flurf makes the female bse interest in mating /
c. surveillance
d. obtaining extrapair copulaton
Maria tar this suDmissian: 1/1.
Choose at least one answer.
Małe brds guard their mates not as an expressbn of thei' ęreat relatbnship but in order to prevent them from mating with other males. This guarding behavior is most intertse
Choose one answer.
a. within eght days of the mitial mating
b. before the first egg is lab
c. during the femates peak of fertility period /
Maria 'ar this sj&risstan: 1/1.
Mirto: i
The mating system most ty pica I for homo ssprens is
Choose one answer. (Q) a. socialserial monogamy /
b. 3ndrogyny
c. potyandry
d. potygamy
e. partial połygamy
Maria 'ar this sutrrission: 1/1.
Mirto: 1
Whbh of the foibwing phenomera coutó have playeC; a rote in of an evoLtbnary force in shaping sperm competitbn mechanisms in humans’
Crcose at least one answer.
a. rape /
b. orges X
c. prostitutbn
d. female inftóelity /
e. małe parano 13
'nr w 1^1