similar mechanism that evolved in response to similar pressures and not due to common ancestry
coming up with similar morphological. physiological and psychological Solutions for similar problems in spite of initial differences
males compete and females choose among them
competition between members ofthe same sexfor access to opposite sex partners
the sex for whom it takes a bigger effort to breed is morę selective in their choice of mating partner
males compete forfertilization by trying to rid ofthe semen ofthe other małe who may or may not have copulated with 'his" female
applying various tactics that make your sperm morę likely to fertilize the female you are mating with
the ratio ofthe size ofthe testes in małe to his overall body size
małe remains close to a female he mated with in order to chase away other possible suitors
preventing his female from mating with other males even when he is absent ex. copulatory pług
who studied or "discovered the following Parental investment theory
Sperm competition
Humań matę guarding behaviors
Males are promiscuous and females are choosy
sexual selection (outdated concept)
intrasexual selection
parental im/estment theory
sexual selections (new thinking)
sperm competition
index of investment in sperm production
proximate matę guarding
remote matę guarding