General: l> .rhefa Btotliemlc B.V piocul\ are m^ndoc tor ir vil u labotMlory <-<!SCarcłl puroases ;:iiy nr,i\ <ir? nn: to De usec for Oliy mer [ .mOSC-S. irc’ jdiig ~*jt not mitcd to. t vitio stógncstic pcrposes, In food. in druęs. med ca! dev-ces. or ccsmetics for hur*ans v animals, c for ęsoeral cotnmercia purposes Buyer adcnowledges that tho pmducts iiav? not c«n tested L. Duthefa 2 ccte-ii? K.v. fnr s»‘?:y s-- pff racy in mcc druęs, n»vices. cosrctirs. corrrrcrcia> 01 crw pther purposes.
•.o |»odiKiirch#i«f tom Duchota Bioch«m>i> B v p-all be comdcrod to dc fooc. diu<jś, or cosmetics.
3jyc- wprcssy rccroscnts ans wartami to Duchota Biochemie B V that Burt: will oropeńy tost usc. manJocrure .ir- market ary protom ourchased tom Duchefa Biochemio B.v. ar.d/or naie? ii produced witn prodkts ourchased tom Duchefa Sochcnie B V ir. accorcance witn :he practicc-s of a ręascnable person wno is at fcnofi m the lisic ariel m saict compliarce w:h «li appiicablc- laws and reguła: oni. row hewiwfrer er.łcted Oucftefa Biochemie H.v jtrongly -ecommencb Good Łaburatory Prńotices a? a' tmes
For n:cre internat on at>o-_it Docitefa Biocnc-nie B.V/$ ęsner3 terms and cond :«ns o: sale, pe.iM» turn to page 182 contahing an dnerpt or ask for fuli copy by iot-Uicling our Cwtórne- Droartment
In generał, ta help us in Processing and iracking ihe status of ycu- order, nul .de ar order number, contact na me. tefephane- ard/iit fax number on each purchase r/der.
Pricing and terms of payment Prices may be suh-ect to 3lte:3tion cue tc inte:--atior-a! market MiualiOTS lar-ger quaniitios ol wtalogue p-oduns eon po olf«vd <*• iurther rirscounts. 3lease inquire.
Ali (wyments NE I to our bank account wKfón 30 ewys of intrtKing cito. uniest anothw term of payment «s agreed upór ir, writing. Payment sN’l be n EUF. {€) to Duchota a* a Dutth bank in Ih* Netherłands.
SUn/cjftg deiaAa
3ank ING. Zaandam. In? Netherignds. Account tumbę- 65 i-166180 Swtoode INC-BHL2A. I0AN MLS4 IN6B06S1 4061 80
Transport Costs:
Transportation Chargns will vary will the destinatior.. wcięto, and contetil of earh shipment. Al freigte charges. adrnin.uiatrrt costs and spec al packaging diarges are »vailabV upon roquost at ordc- ontry and .*-e irvl calec on our in-.oices. 3ack«der^q cems are sroped v/ber they become av«;laW?. unless ałtemarto instructions at= jwlded wbr i me order is ptacr-d. Tn rrmimise fretght costs backordc s may be added to futurę sbiprents.
Inside European Union: AU orders witb a drstiiirilion wthm the Eurc-pean Union a-d a wlue of 27S,- EUR (€) c mac arc- suppl.ed Deir/ered Doty Raić (DDP).
4 orders .-Arn ,i destinstion -.vithir> :hc European Uniun .n<l a value of les: thsn ?75,- EUR !£) ore surcharged t.itn ar: cara 17,50 FUR {€• for deŁvery.
Outside European Union:-Ali orders witn a destinaiicn outside Eurcęean Unic~ oto shijipod •< Works (tXW|. the volume ol our mtemaiiwwl stnprnents resufts ir» rtrj1 ccmpetiwe ra»s łrom our freicht fonr/ardsrs. h- nrrfąrs s“ apec through our *‘vqrwted ca-iers, we ;wy the transconatioii and h»-.:ling costs -o Those h3StS aie atftKd to your rwoice
Prior to returning any items, plcasc contact the Customer 5ervices Opartmeflt witn fclnnu c •<> yo.;- or dr nuriDer anc the Du<hc'*i Oiu-.* mu i- U.V - -tl..*s o-1 Jer m.mner. ProdLOi rfiturned without [ino? siilrwiriz9t:on nsy no: oc acoepteu
We wi I do oi uirrost to requc-sts to return materiał -owe-rtr. :ude-- to me mam tne ouality -r tur protfcets. certain iters may not z< ret', -ec tiedit Tlie-“ i!»tTis 'tiude rełcenis w-ir.h have oassed thei- e.Kpirat>pn da*-: custom prociiicis or special o--dois, and products mannę labels. Retuns accepte-: for tt-rns orderwi i ?rro- may dc subicct to -i .’C^b processing fec
Hazard warnmgi a-t- ntlicaad on Dudtefa Biochemie B.V i«oe:s by Haard Symboli ani R;sk «-d Safety phrases in accorćence •••itr, the European Union Ihese Hazard wamings are Intendec to prewide guidance towards the saie hanc ng r procicts and a-= orcyessirely amendcc as Imsfpi Information :.«omes asa labie The Ha/anl Symboh and * anc S phrases st-.iw.-n in the falowinę pace; arc usec to indicate i-i« Hscards of Duc“-efa 5-pchc-mie B.v. prodjets irc those lisied in nese Regulatioris The ebserce of i-azarc Syrools or R;sk and 5afety ph-ases should not oe tak**n to mdica:« that the proouct is -on-hazardous.
Hazardous producls listecl in this cataloguc arc marked with R and S numbers as assigned to the Risk and Safety phrases under EC legislation.
BOxidizing: substances whicli profluce nighiy exothermic reacticrs in contaa with other substances
Ha2ardous Chemicals:
••wrtsays rumerejs restriaions anc reguiatkius gow-rn ranona ano .ntemation-: ^nsjicrr 0f (jfionylcal nioducts hl&UftlCKrt i1*'rt;-» 'K turdlng lo national and mtr-' '/ltlnr - transport gun-iehnet. arc- marked v. th a A symbol.
mders wth hłzauious cncmicais r. I uv.siat- harardous aif veiQh: ar^Ł Spedai pśckaorig nsy be neceśsary :o- saf? ćelhery of certa - haardous Soparate speefai psekagmg charges wll vaiy wflft h^ardeus p-odua •upen;es, volurre. s-j destnatici These e«ra h«arib.-s goo-ds transport -,orPr: will be acfqj:| ^ .,aur l iOice.
° 8'0Cnc,n'S 3.v Custor-wr wicos Dępanmer: • av? ?bl«:o rc o and .m p,<-,eri ^rsses wiih .aur urder nor -v v* «lwey\ i•-y:jr pa&age ? " r'ł"1'1 "''y »frm^Otly u‘ -}i»y ibl-n. > o- J;mih;miu • V -Ifl •: :ten y-j ‘COiiKtly —.ę resuił of on euflr .n ol- oa-T. ni \\r tak- |ut.
Ofrr -- • or on :o «>ircr. ili«- nco/ence.
Dangerous for the environment