Testy Gimnazjalne0

Testy Gimnazjalne0

Test 10 Część B

A.    I had to borrow clothes from my friend.

B.    We lost the gamę.

C.    I forgot to take my sandwiches.

D.    What a terrible day.

E.    I had to hurry because I wanted to be on time at school.





. Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, a następnie w zdaniach (4.1 - 4.4) wybierz właściwą odpowiedź (A, B lub C), zgodną z treścią przeczytanego tekstu. Wpisz wybraną literę w odpowiednią kratkę. Za każdą prawidłową odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt. (4 pkt)

There are morę than 32,000 different types of spiders in the world. Most people hate them because they run very fast or sit in the bath but that's just smali spiders. What about the really scary spiders?

Tarantulas are the biggest spiders in the world. They can grow to 25 cm long (including their legs). They live in South America and are brown, orange and hairy. Many people think they are very dangerous but you can't die from a tarantula bite. Their hairs give you a rash and it is very painful. Tarantulas live for 25 years. They can eat birds and frogs. The most dangerous spider is the black widów spider. It is much smaller than a tarantula and is only 2.5 cm long. It is called a black widów because it kills its matę and eats it. You can die from a black widów spider bite. It injects poison into your blood and you can die in twenty-four hours!

The smallest spider is 0.5 mm long. Spiders have between 6 and 12 eyes. They eat their webs.

Adapted from Mary Glasgow Magazines, Crown 1/1999

4.1    i Most people hate spiders because

A.    there are morę than 32,000 types of spiders.

B.    they move fast and can be found in the bathroom.

C.    they are smali.

4.2    Ali other spiders are_than tarantulas.

A.    bigger

B.    smaller

C. morę dangerous

4.3 Black widów spiders eat

A.    birds and frogs.

B.    people.

C.    other spiders.


Black widów spiders are

A. dead.

B.    poisonous.

C.    0.5 mm long.







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