table cpbdslv6e1kspxw

table cpbdslv6e1kspxw

Ojfscreen voice: Artura Rsyes, baseball hero, is iiyour glove?

Artura:    It \'s not the glove.

Ojfscreen voice: Is iiyour arm ?

Artura:    li *s not the arm.

Ojfscreen voice: Is iiyour bat?

Artura:    li 's not the bat.

Ojfscreen voice: Is iiyour shoes?

Artura:    No. Wrong commercial. lVs my cologne. Fair Bali. For whenyou don't want £o be faul.

Ojfscreen voice: Mrs. Reyes, is it the cologne?

Fatima:    lVs morę tkań the cologne.


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