The International Headache Society, allied to the World Headache Alliance, is a professional, medical society devoted to the research of, and debate about, headaches. Some of the information on the site is patient-friendly.
Clusterheadaches.com is a world-wide support group and discussion forum for people with cluster headaches. It is a well-maintained and interesting site.
The Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache have a website that should be accessed for British-based information and advice.
Headachecare.com is a site maintained by a network of primary care providers (generał practitioners). It has some interesting information, including a ąuick diagnostic quiz (with which the usual caution must be taken).
MIDAS have a ąuestionnaire that can help to identify the extent to which your migraine disables you in life. TheMigraine Disability Assessment Questionnaire is downloadable in a variety of languages from the website.
The Migraine Awareness Group provides information at www.migraines.org.
The British Associationfor the Study of Headache is an academic and professional association. If you have an appropriate academic or clinical background then this organisation will be of interest to you, but less so if you are a migraine patient.
• Your local library should be able to give you a lot of Information on headaches and migraine.
• Use the internet carefully, perhaps sticking only to the sites recommended in this book.