We live In XXI century and clearing up the world’s environment is one of the major problems facing all the people. For many years this issue has been neglected by many countries and the result is that it is morę and morę difficnlt to find any unpolluted place on Earth. It seems that the struggle against contemination and the need to protect the environment have become the most nrgent of tasks becanse air, water, and soil are slowly becaming irnsnitable to sustain life.
Sewage, garbage, deforestation, factory smoke are the most dangerons factors tlireaten our environment.
As far as water is concemed, the prognosis id really gloomy. Sewage ponred into rivers or the sea polluted water so heavily that many countries, for examply China, don't have enough safe drink water and what is morę there are morę people who have to pay a lot offor glass of clean water. This tragical situation is the result of population growth and above all industrial development. Whatever the epidemie, raising the risk of starvation, various sicknesses, are conseąuences of pollution for people. Other animals are poisoned and ecosystem are disturbed.
Next part of dangerons of destroying by the pollution is soil. Mainly industry, agriculture, farming techniąues are sources of pollution. Acid rains are caused by chemcals substances dissolved in rain, which results is polluting water and mining crops. Deforestation is very dangerons. It brings flood and soil erosion during rainly seasons and of course extinction. However, it seems that the most dangerous problem is the pollution of the atmosphere. Air is contaminated mainly by exhausted gases, Chemicals from areosol spray amd fridge emitted into atmosphere. Conceąuences of that called “green hause effect” and “global warming” are dangerous cause many places on the planet may be flooded while others will suffer from droughts.
Chronically polluted air is first of all responsible for health crisis. Plants, animals, people suffer and die for many illnesses caused by polution.
All these catastrophic ecological possibilities are difficult to count. It sounds horrible but we destroy ourselves. Litter, scarps of paper, bottles are scattered almost everywhere (forest, lakes, streets). Howerever if we don't want to tum our environment into a garbage heap, we should change our way of thinldng and stop being so wasteful egoists.
Therefore what can we do for the environment? There are several ways to help improve the situation. Firstly we should encourage recycling becanse it is the producer of new materials, which don't cause any morę damage. We must learn to reuse things like plastic bags and glass jars. Secondly, driving an environmentally-friendly car, riding by bicycle is also helpful. Furthermore, joining an organisation, which plant trees or cleans up beaches and forest would be proof that you are really concemed bout the environment. Lastly supporting groups such as Greenpeace, which try to prevent man eiwironmental disasters, would help to ensure that our planet will be clean and safe for next generations.
The eiwironmenfs pollution is a global problem and it won’t disapear in one day but if we try to be morę “environmentalIy friendly” in our everyday life, and we aren't indifferent, our desire for living in cleaner world may be fuli fi 11 ed.