I have headaches which can last a few days. □
My headaches have been going on for at least six months. □
I have as many as 15 days of headache every month. □
Migraine without aura
The pain is on one side of my head. □
f am hypersensitive to light. □
f am hypersensitive to sound. □
f cannot hnd the words to talk. □
f need to hnd a ąuiet dark place and sleep. □
1 feel sick or actually vomit. □
The pain can last up to 72 hours. □
Physical activity can make things worse. □
Migraine with aura
This is the same as migraine without aura, but in addition you might experience some other signs or symptoms.
Before my headaches start, 1 experience one or morę of these:
a curve of light spreading across my view □
Cluster headache
The pain is absolutely excruciating. □
The pain is sharp or stabbing. □
The pain is mainly in my eye socket area. □