44 * UNDERSTANDING HEADACHES AND M IG RAI N ES mercury is emitted, which can be breathed in. Ali ingested mercury does not leave the body once it enters. Some remains there forever, and over time can build up. In certain indmduals who are particularly sensitive to mercury, headaches can result. If you have mercury fillings in almost every tooth of your mouth (something not uncommon in older indmduals who eat sugary foods and do not take care of their teeth), then the chances of this problem increase. This is, as mentioned earlier, very rare, and should only be investigated where all other possibilities ha ve been exhausted. It should be pointed out that, in the UK, mercury poisoning from dental fillings is not considered, by official bodies, to be a health risk.



Rememberthat headaches can also be caused by problems with the teeth, and you should therefore visit your dentist regularly.

Ear infection

Pain in the ear can also be mistaken for headache. Ear pain usually occurs because of infection, which is relatively easy to cure with antibiotics or other readily available treatments. In certain cases, a doctor might refer a patient with headaches to an otorhinolaryngologist, or ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist. Again, this is another good reason why you should see your doctor if you have persistent headaches.


This is an infection in the cavities of the bonę in the nose and forehead. Because of where it is, it creates pain similar to a headache, and can be confused for migraine and vice versa. A person with sinusitis is likely to have other symptoms, such as sneezing, dripping nose, redness andtenderness in the upper face, andpossibly a fever. The pain should be worse if the head is lowered, for instance when bending down to pick something up. Sinusitis is best treated by antibiotics, but this, unfortunately, will not reduce the effect of migraines.


You can induce a headache by straining your body. This can be ąuite normal, and is only a problem if it occurs often, or if the headache you experience is


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