twotcd ropes with connoctions.
deiigxed by Jimmie Boatright
This mulciscrand braceler offers plenty of opporuinittcs to have fun with color and texturc. Three colors play across che twisted ropcs while round crystals and a button closure add playful acccnts.
Triangular ends
[1J On I yd iy :»• ■>! thrcad or Firclme. pick up two 3 mm cube beods leatiog a 6-in.
(t 5 ero) (ail. Sov through the i mmi again s© they ot aide by sidc. Contimic wotking in Łiddcr ttitclt |IVio<s, p. 10?) until the strip is six 3 mms kxig. Weavc through the ? mm to .ctahiliK the laddcr, CMting the first 3 mm.
[2] ?kk up twv 3 nirr.s. *cw llirongh rhetr ag.un, and sew uixkf the thrcad bridge between the sebond and third ? mm in the fiest rnw, then op through the second.? mm jus* adbed (figuro 1, a-b). Work in briefc Miech (R*«c«). decrcating one .? mm in caeh row, until tłie lnu!
row ha* cwo 3 mm* (b-c'
[3] F.sit the hnttom ot a 3 nun ir. the top row (figtm 2. point a). Pick up an 8“ seed bead. and mr down throięh the .? mm agaifi. and ooatinuc through the ncxł edgr 3 mm (a-b|. Pick up an 8\ and lew down through the ? mm yxKir thread ju*t cxitcd and the next edge 3 mir. (b-c). Repeat to add an 8* to the cige of cach row (C-<fl. ther. lew through the beadwork to exil the other top .5 mm, and repeat along the other edjat.
[4] Siew through the Nrad-work to exit a top 3 mtn (figurę 3. point a). Pick up thtee 8S, fout 11“ sccd htadc, the thank of the button. and four 1 I*s (a-0). Sew buck through the la»t ff-added. ptek up two 8^. and rew tluocgh the other top .? mm (b-C). Rctracc the thread pjth, and end che threads (Bosics).
(5] Repeat sitp 1-1 to
54 Bead&BuRon vmr«.Be©dAn*58Wtcn eom