The smali, whitc flowers of bougainvillca are protected by three papcr-like leaves callcd bracts, which look like flower pcrals. This nccklace is consrrucfcd of two brick stitchcd ropes that tie togcthcr wich a braa on thc cnd of cach ropę. Ninę removab!e bracts slide onto che ropes for mulriple options — wcar just rwo, a few, or the whole bunch.
oeckJtsoe 20 in. (51 cm)
• l5-208mmpmsso3^3ssttowO’S
• "■ 1* seedbeads
65-55 fl CCłor A 25-3CpCCłC/B
• efesp
• 2 8 irm kfttp rńgs
• nyon oesdhg tfirocd. seat D. tn 2 oofrs: A B
• freod condboror icpti-myi
• bweRigrooaes, »ic
• 2 pnkanfpKrs
For cob' iTcrmstOn, seo out Roscuico Guide ai BaadAndSulton. cer»rooouitc&
woar just the two end bracts. You can a)so mąko tho bracts into Rewers by curcing them
www BcocAldBottoaccm I Aprl 2010 59
[1] On 4 yd. <2~ m) of thread, pick up iwo color A 11 seea brads, leuving a
1 -yd. <.9 ml tai!. Scw through rhc As again so (hcy are »de by *idc. and through thc fitst A again (figuro 1, a-b).
[2] Wotking ui brick stitch (Ikssics,
p-103), and folio wir £ figuro 1, iocteasc and deercasc as foliowi:
Row 2i Work an incrense rowt Work thc fir« stitch with rwo As and the secotld łriteh with one A. sewiog under the same thread bridge as thc fint stitch (b-c). Rows 3-7: Increasc cuch row by one bcad,s»3fting with fotit As iii tow 3
and mereasing tocight As in row 7 (C-d). Row 8: Work a decreaie row with seren As (d-o).
Rowa 9 and 10: Work ocir-ln-ad increa&e tor cach row (o-f),
Rowa 11-14: Al tern a te bctweeti worl-:nę a dccrcaw row with cight As (f-g| and an inereate row wich ninc As rmiitig up with nine As in row 14 (h-ł). Rowa 15-21: Iłccreasc cach tow by one bcad. codiog with two As in row 21 (H>-Row 22: Pisk up an A, and scw thtough thc oeher A of row 21 (j-k)
[3] To ger tato position ro begin thc ocxt braci, *ew through thc rcadwork to cwt a !xad in row 1 (figuro 2. «v-b)
[41 Work in laddrr stitch (Basics) to add an A (b-c).
[8] Work in hnck stitch to add rwo As (c-d). Wnhoui adding a bcad, wotk a brick stitch thread pach through thc ncxt edge A in row 2 ol thc preciout bract (d-o). Fjcit thc edge
A of row- 3 of thc prceUms bract (c-f). [6J Kor row 3. work two stitchrs with one A per siitch (f-rj), and chcti work an inereate stitch with an A (g-h).
[7] Fot tow* 4-7, work an mcreaie for cach row, connecting to the prewout bract at in step* 5 and 6.
[8] For thc retiuining rows, repćat rowt 8-22 of the first hract, and scw ilirocigli the beadwork ro cxit an A in row I.
[9J To work thc third braci, l ad de r-stitch together the edge As in row I