Untitled 36

Untitled 36

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Slepbattin EdJy is a ieutiry deiignrt mul ttacher u-illt mors tkań 40 years of <rxpcrun<(. Stcphanit sclli fa!f fot ihis project and many otbert on ker Web sile. Stłphaniteddy.<x>m. Coniact Surf/banic by pbone at -ZOS; S5.3-79SS. or cis e-mail M k:uforsale<9stepl>aniceddy.e<im.

[10] Pick up .1 B. and scw thiough thc threc A* on top of the nest stitch (figuro 6, a-b). Pick up a B, and scw ilimugh thc ncxt top A (b-c). Pick up a B, and «w dtfoiigh thc * mni (c-d). Continue addmg Bi, scwing through thc top bcad or bc.ids of each stitch, uotil you mach thc Other cnd of the ncckUce. [11 j 1'jck upciKnigh A. to fit around thc botton. and scw throufih thc rwo As at thc ond of thc nccklacc to malec loop. Rctraoc thc thicad parli.

[12] Scw chrough thc bcadwork to exit thc tw o Ai bctwccn thc firit 3 mm łlitch and thc fint ititch with drops (figuro 7.

point a). i'xk up thrcc 15ł i«ed bcadi and a 3 mm, and scw thro.igh thc bottom hole of thc ncxt dagger (a-b). Ptek up 10 1 54s, and ccw through thc hotiMin hole of thc dip^cr agatn. ni.iknig a loop in front (b-c). Pick up a 3 toin and threc 1S**, and scw up

thmugh thr rwo As hcrwcen thc ncxc set of drops and thc ncxt 3 mm stitch (o-d). Scw througn the ivext fivc As atouml the stitch (d-«).

[13} Repeat step I2 to cmbclłisłi thc rcmainim? daggers. End thc thrc*d> O

ni W FtN 1.866.667.3232

Re<GiVWho)wt>>c iłnl <Pivwi :t.sCi! co,’, iłmj


Feb. 26-28 Melbourne Auditoriumj 625 E.Hibtócus Ei. Mebourne, FL Mar. 5 - 7 Muntcipai Auditorium 801 N.Tamtarri'Hi'.4l Sarasota. FI Mar. 12-14 Hartorside

1375 tóonroe Si.

Ft. Myers. FI Mar. 20-21 Soutn Florida Fair 0067 Southorr Btvd. West Palm Beach.FL Mar. 26-28 Muniapal Auditorium 801 N.TamianwHy.41 Sarasota.    FL

Apr. 9-11 Coliseum Baflroom 535 • 4th Ave N.

St. Petersburg, FL

SIh>w8 arę OPEN to th6 Public.


Learn the Art of French IkatK-d Flowers

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1 Nil 2: Rmc KII


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; . .S^wtre ?, tosr/$i$ tflłi •/ PdP Scacł Gyfens R..:aji3rc222324 C*:. Ftnł^s P. Fetwar) 20i & 2*śt "A 2eLiićFLWarti3f87h Tarpł RUłrt 1» i3hW rcnerc fea*. R. Msrcft

Aterta GAApf>1»J1^

-awa R.Fcrt2d*.Ś25b CMkkc SCMi»8fil=f Feto Eew Garóws. FL Jire4ti^ ćth «ar&GA3jte'»m . Tffe iSiCAttóS Clsssss offcred sl Słuws y(ftV metoda PNC, Band. Lotto Brdlding, Soed Reading, Om-cutu*’ Wiro Wmpotny. Os Id Fuiron SoMoring. Fuscd Glaas, Cftain UtMio Klkkiiim • SOM.iłAI

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fżiu ctriwn .11 jd cMn>



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