An alternating arrangcmcnt of triangles crcatcs six-sidcd flower shapcs that are perfect for emhcllishing wirh fire-polished bcads.
noc Kloc o 17 in. (43 cm)
• 5 ii in rerrJeW (to 11 ee»r*» tewr -
• 80-00 t frtrpetehed KOtls n each ot 3 coors A B. C
• 56 3wnVo-coWioabeacfc. cotorO
• ?Sg n*8ee<l btwds
• >ros-o 6 fc. test
• coaorgneołee, *12
Hf cofce erormatwn. CCC oar ffesomce Gi>oe » sosettrttBunnn
Row 1
£11 On a cnmfortable Urngih of Fireluct. pii k up 12 11® <cfłi brads and sew through thc fint cighc I l*s agnin (fig1. a-b).
[2] ł*kk up scvcn 11 *s and sew through thc la* (nur I l's your thread exited in thc pceviuu-> step and the firit four 11S jusr added (b-c). Iliacrcatcs a manglc wito threc 1 l*s along the top edge.
[3] Kek up eiglu 11S, jiiJ ww through thc law tour 11®% your thread c\itcd in the preriom step jjiJ the firs* four 1 l 'i just added (c-d). This tmto a ttianglc with four 11 'i along thc bottom edge.
[4] Kcpeat itepł 2 and 3 uiuil the sinp is about 16 in. :41 cm) or thc desired necktace length. ending and addmg thread iBasjoś p. 103> as needed.The łtnp will curvc duc to thc diffcrcocc in thc numhcr of bcads along thc top and bottom edges.
Row 2
(2] Kek up eigh: 1! H, sew through the four 11 S in llie presiom row agam. and conrinue through thc first four 1l’s juśt added (b-C).
[3] Kek up nine 11S. .ind sew thtough thc four 1 l®s your thtead otitcd to thc preriom stiteb. the runę 1 l*i ju« added, and the ocet tour 11"> in thc preriom row (figurę 3).
(4] Kek up four 1 l*s, and sew through thc hri four 11*v added in thc previou* stitch. thc law four 1 l*s your thtead c.eited m tke ptevk>u$ row, and thc four ncw ll’s (figuro 4)
[6] Rcpcat steps .1 and 4 along thc length of row 1
Row 3
J1J Pkk up 10 1IS, and sew through thc law four 11't yom thread ceirrd in thc p«rvious row and thc first fivc 1I*s just added (figuro 5, a-6).
[2] Kek up 10 11 s and w * through thc fivc 11 's your thread e\itrd in the prceious stiteh, and thc 10 ncw 11*4 (b-c).
[3] Kek up 10 11's.and «w through thc Ust five 11H your thread cxitcd in thc preriom stitch and thc first tire 1 l*s just adsied (figuro 6. a-b).
[4] Pick up five 11 and sew through thc iłcxt fise 1 l’i in rhc prenous row. rhc ńvc sidc I l*s in the previous stitch. and thc lice 1 l"s (ust added (b-c)
[5] Re pcat srept 3 and 4 along thc length of row 2. At the rery end uf the row. you‘il need co atłd oue cxtra manglc to mutch thc crarring cnd.
L::d Kie thread.
www.BeadArMlGutton.coai i Apri 2010 89