Untitled 7 (7)
'Fin'} ffce ooeffirient of ar20 in (j" + x* + ar3 + .r4 + x ')(. •* + / 4- .r4 + .. .)*•
6. l’se generating functions to find the nuniber of ways to seleit 10 bali from a large pile ol red, wbite and blue balls if:
a) the seleetion ha.s at least two balls of eaeh color.
b) the seleetion has at least two red balls.
7. Find the uiunber of ways to seleet 1,2,3,4,5.6,7,8.0,1 fruits from a p le of 3 apples, 5 o ran ges and 2 banatias. (Hint: Use generatiug functions)
s. How many ways are there to ilivide '2 blue, 5 red ant 0 wbite balls nto two etptal unortlereil piles '!
9. Show tliat :
a) I i.+>h — f' , 7''m -f /*n—|f*n—2,
b) (Fn)2 — Fn+,Fn-\ = (-l)\
where F„ are the Fibouacci nuntbers.
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