vamp 02

vamp 02

( )

step 4: StNI holdin9 both

/y\pA    body wires together, string

on five White 18mm SUN-Nyy~j)    BURST Beads. Make surę

beads are nested together. Spread body wires apart as /l    each will now be used as a

‘ \    leg wire.

STEP 6: On each arm wire string ten White 12mm SUNBURST Beads and one

STEP 7: Cut a 6" piece of yarn into tiny pieces for hair. Spread glue on top. back, and sides of head. Make surę wire on back of head is covered. Glue yarn hair on head. Allow glue to dry.

STEP 5: On each leg wire string fourteen Black 12mm SUNBURST Beads and one Black Bell Bead, smali end first. Make surę beads are nested together. Tightly knot on the Bell Bead. Cut off excess leg wire except for W\ bend this W back against the Bell Bead.


A.    Cut out cape and vest patterns. Tracę onto felt. Cut out.

B.    Put a vest on vampire. Glue together at shoulders and front.

C.    Cut a 2Vz" piece of red ribbon. Glue ribbon diagonally across the chest.

D.    Cut six little slits in collar of felt cape (see pattern). Cut a 7" piece of ribbon. Thread ribbon in and out of the slits in the collar. Tie cape around the Vampireb neck.

Step 9: Repeat Ste{5s 1 through 8 to make three morę Vampires.

Greene Plastics Corp.


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