xlr8 md46

xlr8 md46

Wandala Designs

Martba Bartfeld

Geometrie designs—timeless patterns found In snowflakes, Flowers, starfish, the spirals of seashells. and other objects—are also basie features of tbe mandala. an ancicnt Hindu and Buddhist mołif symbolizing *universe" or “wholcncss." Containing circles, squares. trianglcs. pentagons. and other geometrie figures, mandala designs usually are rendered inside a circle. sąuarc. or rectangle. They graphlcally represent energy movement to or from a central point.

For tllis hatidsome ready-to-Color collection, Martlia Bartfeld Itas choscn 44 of her original mandala designs. Their symmetrical beauty and intricate patterns will challenge and exclte colorlsts of all ages. Snre to dazzle the eye and provkle a wealth of łnsplratlon for artlsts. deslgners, and craftspeople, these fasclnatlng images also will givc would-be artists an opportunity to display their creativity in coloring a host ol invcntively cuncciwd images.

Original Dover (20011) puhltcatlon. 44 black-and-whlte lllustrations. 4 full-color lllustrations on covers. Introduction. 48pp. 8tf x 11. Paperbound.


.'f-D Dtisńns. Wll Stegcnga. 32pp. 8Xx 11. 40363-7 Pa. $2.95 Dazzung Designs Coloring Book, Koiclii Sato. 32pp. 8X x UW. 40031-X Pa. $2.95 Kaleidoscopk Design Coloring Book. Lester Kubistal. 32pp. 8W x 11. 40566-4 Pa. $2.95

Free Dover Full-Color Chiklren s Book Catalog (59071-2) avallable upon reąuest.

ISBN 0-M6L-U103n-x

Pfu/c 33 OforO; Pfu/e 31 (/roni amert.


$5 • *15 IN USA •V X4Dta 6 ' djIJ


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