Otta onty thc generał character of l tcxtik design was copkd. In the suttccnth and Mfcntenih ccniwiet evcn greater icalism was impaited to naobooos ofbrocadcd vdva bf the m of Bock, but dw wu not doac in Spain, the country of origin being dther Engbnd ar HoBand (Pbk ag).
Aonbabom of dane and pnracaincc can, no doube, be assisted by comparnoo with otber tan of decorum an, prindpalty that oftoriks which followcd a roughly pnaU mm of dmdopmcm.
Drag thc Moorńh period the panem aie Iikety to have beto comparatmly napie and ofcn of a geotnccical character tocmbling thote found on Moorish tales (Platę 4). Arauml derioes of a lirnple kind may have been added to thc tepertoire as the panam tamę mataimgty complez. A nudy of fitath-century Spanish rugi might bc immaedw. Herc the fbrmal and largety geometncal panerrn of Islamie tradition gradually givt way 10 Gothic forms, akhough caclier demom aie ofien tetained - in rugi, thete are mody Ktn in the bordert which rcmain Moorish cvcn when Rcnaiwancc ‘pomegranate’ pannns occupy the nuin field. The to-callcd 'pomegranate' panom becamc ever morc elaborate. A nudy of Spanish and Italian sflks might hdp herc, akhough as yet that are nottoowdl dated. TTiesc panam cominucd into the sevcntcenth amury. By 1670, con-sidaable naturalna a 10 be found in the daaib. Such patem are fiequently 10 be scen in Fktnish and Spanish painńngs ofithe fiftecnth and sixteenih centurio.
Asymmetrical and thoefcre infórmal panom in wriks datę ta the mad-Kwo-tcentb cemury and in the caic of gjk kata wat probabty deedoped in Fbndos and then tata up in HoBand, France and Engbnd. A paniki detdopment took place in Bocal iurquary on funnut at thn omc. The deep embotung of kadm produerd by dx wood moald whniqtK miy hm appeakd m those, likc the Dutch and English, «ho tauted bold, naoralnDc npnmf wadi in siha.
'duDotac' panam probabty appeared be in the icwmecmh cemury and raumed popular, notabty fcr latem, in thc fint halfof thc oghaecnth cemury. Boch the Dutch and the English wen taras for thear chinonaie in otha fields, sina they, of al the Pup* nadons, had the cłom and mon pasmem comacts with thc Far East.
Banit tan occur nound 1710-1715. ecboing 1 fashion in sdk design. Ib silkt. fidty natunlmic and ofkn beavy panom occm around i7lH?fo; *baeafer much BUR optn ona ta mula Bowes. Abom 1760-1775, salks decorated ta meandering ribbons amid the Bowcn wat popular. The eighteenth-ctntury leathcr wmta alfflon cerainty IbOowtd these devdopmems fairty donty and thrir obnmoom would have ta tefleoed in char own wnes.
Tta changes in styki probabty afltoed afl thc centra that were Boutishing at the stage conctrned. Succenful lina were copkd by trrak, and fairly quickly; but the uk