Organie Chemislry K.\am'lerm Nr i
First and I.asl Name..........................
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1 lic answer |
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I Iow many assymetric eentres exisi in moiecule of 1 )-ry bofuranose? a) 2; b) 3; c)4; d) 5 | |
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The hydrogen bonds are not existing between molecules of: a) acetic acid: b) imidazole; c) etliyl ether; d) ethanol |
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Mc or ' What hydrocarboii is present in the picture given above. what kind of conformation is presented? | |
4 |
The geometrie isomers exist in moiecule of: a) 1-bulone; b) 2-butene; e) 2.3-dimethyl-2-bulene; d) 2-melhyl-l -butenc | |
~ 5 |
The morę stable conformation of cvclohexane is: a) half chiair: b) chair; c) boat; d) twisted boat. | |
6 |
One of the following compounds is not aromatic: a) antracene: b) uracil; e) pyridine; d) imidazole. | |
7 |
The allene formally belongs to: a) 1,3-diene; b) 1.2-diene: c) alkanes; d) aix)inat i c co mpo u nds. |
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8 |
Wrile an ecjuation o! oxime format i on: | |
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fhe C=N bond is not present in: a) oximes: b) hydra/ones: c) enamines: d) imines | |
10 |
ln reaction of acetophenone with phenyl magnesium bromidc is oblaincd: a) primary alcohol; b) secondary alcohol; c ) tertiary aleohol; d) reaction does not occur | |
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Nitration of nitrobenzene gives dinitroderivative: a) ortho; b) para: c) meta: d) reaction does not occur | |
12 |
Oxidation of 2.3-butancdiol by polassium periodate gives: a) one moiecule ol aldehyde and ketone; b) two molecules of aldehyde: c) iwo molecules of k c (o n es; d) h y d ro x y k e ton c |