Mariusz Rawski
end data_flow;
• 4 porty wyjściowe
• wartość sa[1..0] decyduje o tym, na którym wyjściu pojawi się T
library leee;
use leee.std Jogic_l 164.all;
entity decoder is poit(
sel : in std_loglc_vector (1 downto 0); outO, outl, out2, out3 : out stdJogic
end decoder;
architecture data_flow of decoder is
signaf o: stdJogic_vector (3 downto 0); begin
with sel select
o <= "0001" when "00",
"0010" when "01",
"0100" when "10",
"1000" when "11",
"—" when others;
(out3, out2, outl, outO) <■ o; end data_flow;
Mariusz Rawski