Arepair parts list for the “Pz.Kpfw.Panther, Fahroestell und TUrm, Ausfuehrung D1 und D2" was printed m Febru-ary 1943. Dunng the war. British Intelllgence m possession of this document stated that the difference between the Ausf D1 and D2 was in the steermg gears. Ausf.01 had the Kupplungslenkgetrloba and Ausf.D2 had the Elnradlen-lankgatrleba.
The Kupplungslenkgetriebe was a standard clutch and brake steering unit. The tank could be turned by first disen-gaging the clutch. For sharper turns. the brake was applied on the side toward the desired direction This simplistic system had worked well in lighter armored vehicles; but, in the heavier Panther, it suffered from overheating and jerky steering when the clutches and brakes grabbed.
The Elnradlenlenkgetrlebe. consisting of 29 gears and multi-staged universa!s. was designed to prevent loss of power to the dnve sprocket when the tank was steered. As the name implied, the tank was steered around a curve with a fixed radius. The length of this radius depended on which gear was engaged in the transmission (the shortest radius in 1st gear. the longest radius in 7th gear). For each gear there was a different radius: 5 meters for 1 st gear, 11 for 2nd, 18 for 3rd. 30 for 4th, 43 for 5th. 61 for 6th, and 80 for 7th. The driver was expected to judge the sharpness of a curve and shift into the appropriate gear in advance. In addition, the driver could utilize three alternative methods of steering. including lock-ing the brake on one side to force a skid turn.
Starting in February 1943. the color of the base coat of paint was changed from Dunkelgrau RAL 7021 to Dunkelgelb RAL 7028. The Panthers left the factory uniformly covered with a single coat of base paint. The field units applied Oilvgruen RAL 6003 and Rotbraun RAL 8017 in a wide variety of camouflage patterns. The maintenance sections used their air compressors to spray paint the new Panthers aft er they arnved at the unit.
Starting in April 1943, the hołd er for the axe mounted on the left side of the Panther was reversed. Starting in May 1943. a new holder for the jack błock with a single retaining bar was introduced. Heat guards were mounted on the inside of the rear stowage boxes to shield against the intense heat from the exposed taił pipes. Starting in June 1943, holders were welded onto the left superstructure side for a sledgehammer and the track tension adjusting tool.
The hatch operating wheel for the commander’s cupola was moved from behind the commander to a position on his left. Rheinmetall sent updated drawings to the armor and assem-bly firms by 20 February 1943 and Wa Pruef 6 ordered the modification to be implemented immediately. The change was incorporated at Wegmann starting with turret number 16 in
April 1943. This modification was also to be backfitted tn the previously assembled Panthers. 0
By 24 March 1943. over 45 corrections, changes and mad cations were identified by Wa Pruef 6 as being necessU'' before a Panther was sent to the front. These numero modifications were not to delay production of Panthers at thS four assembly firms. Instead. starting in April. the assemN firms were to deliver their completed Panthers to DEMAG • Falkensee. Here in Werk Falkensee they were to be rebnU and modified as specified in the following lists from Wa pr.,i! 6 dated 23/24 March 1943. Work at Falkensee was to belv on 3 April 1943. Those Panthers completed up to the end II! March were to be detivered to the ordnance depot and from there they were issued to the troops for trainmg. Later whe the troops were issued new modified Panthers. these oldp Panthers that had been used for trainmg were to be sent tf Falkensee and rebuilt. 0
- Install two new intake pipes.
- Remove the exhaust mufflers and install curved sec. tions of pipę.
- Replace the fuel lines under the motor.
- Replace the fuel tanks that have defective weld seams.
- Drill ventilation holes in the fuel tanks.
- Replace the blind flange for closing the telescopinn pipę opening with a flanged screen. Panthers with this modification were not submersible. The armored rings needed to install the telescoping pipes were not availab!e. Delivery wasn*t expected before the end of April.
- Replace the three position fuel valve with the new valve manifold.
- The cooling water pipes above the magneto covers must be bent or replaced with new pipes.
- In several of the first 15 Panthers the Fuchsgeraete (motor coolant heater) could not be installed due to large variation in the hull measurements. These Panthers should be employed in North Africa.
- Replace the tensioning spring for the starter carbu-retor.
- The throttłe valve needs to be installed in the hous-ing for the cooling water thermostat.
♦ $tęę
- lmprove lubrication of the bearings for the planetary gears by machining oil catch rims and holes.
- Install new adjusters for the steering brakes.
- Install new planetary gear and double gears with 12teeth.
- Strengthen the fastening of the drive sprockets.
- Strengthen the mounting for the brake housing.
- Machinę grooves into the braking surface in the housing.
• Suso&nsiflD
- Exchange track pins with spring ring fasteners for track pins fastened by a ring with a locking pin.
• Secure the bolts on the idler wheel cap in accor-dance with the new M.A.N. drawing.
- Replace the 2nd and 7th road wheel suspension arms along with the accompanying shock absorber levers with new remforced types. This is applicable to 42 Panthers from M.A.N., 16 from Daimler-Benz. 10 from MNH and 11 from Henschel.
- Replace the torsion bars on the first 10 Panthers (6 from MA.N.,2 from Daimler-Benz. 1 from MNH and 1 from Henschel) with the latest model with modified wedge ends.
• Tfflnftmlsslon -,f the necessary modifications still had not been accomplished. the transmission was to be re-built by the firm of Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen.
»ęommander^ cupola
- Relocate the hatch operating wheel for the commander’s cupola.
- Install a mount in the commander's cupola for the TSR 1 Sehstab (observation periscope).
- Remove the handgrip on the handwheel for rotat-ing the commander’s cupola visor ring.
- The hand wheel for opening and closing the hatch on the commander’s cupola is to be replaced with a lever.
- Replace the carden shaft for the azimuth indicator in the commander1s cupola with a flexible drive shaft.
• MfllD flUD
- Install a sheet metal guard on the recoil guard to protect the gunner and commander.
- Install a light-metal handwheel for the elevation mechanism and improved connectors for the electri-cal firing Controls.
- Install the Rohrausblasevorrlchtung (borę evacu-ator).
- Reposition the electrical connector mounted on the recoil guard further forward.
- Install a backup firing device for the main gun.
- The travel lock for the gun breech is to be coupled with the gun tubę lock.
• Junsl machinę gun
• Relocate the spent cartndge tubę for the MQ
- Replace the machmegun firing cable with one that has 2.5 mm diameter.
- Reposition the foot pedał for firing the machinę gun on the turret platform.
• Turret hatches
- Strengthen the hinges for the access hatch in the turret rear and the Verstandlgungsoeffnung (com-munication port) in the left turret wali
* Install a retaining catch on the turret rear for the opened escape hatch.
* Weld rain channels over the escape hatch and the Ver8tandlgungsoeffnung.
• Ellmlnatlng Interferences
- Move the commander's seat further back.
• Relocate the box for the earphones and tool stowage to ease access through the hatch
- Reposition the azimuth indicator beside the gunner so that it does not interfere with traversing the eleva-tion handwheel.
- Weld sheet metal covers underneath the corners of the turret to prevent blocking the turret from travers-ing.
- Install a sheet metal deflector at the front of the spent cartridge Container. Remount the rubber deflector for spent cartridges so that it is tilted forward.
• MJscellaneous
- Reinforce the turret platform.
- Rework the submersion seals in the turret ring and gun mantlet.
- Modify connections to the slip-ring contact that pro-vides electricity to the turret
Starting in April 1943, Schuerzen (protective skirts madę from soft Steel) were mounted to prevent penetration of the 40 mm thick lower hull side by rounds fired at close rangę from Rus-sian anti-tank rifles. The Schuerzen were tested and proven to be effective against direct hits from 75 mm high-explosive shells as well as anti-tank rifles. The invention of Schuerzen saved the Panther I. If the Panther I hadn't been able to cope with anti-tank rifles, production would have been converted to the Panther II. The Schuerzen were not intended to de-feat and were not initially tested against hollow charge rounds.
Starting in April 1943. a Rohrausblasevorrlchtung (borę evacuator) was installed. It was designed to elear powder gases out of the loading area of the gun tubę after ejection of the spent cartridge case. This prevented the gases from en-tering the fighting compartment and incapacitating the crew through their burning effect on the respiratory track and eyes.
Gun slflht
- Reinforce the sight mount.
- Lengthen the electric lead to the illuminating light for the gun sight reticle.